It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, March 23, 2020

Hyatt Regency last night.

I was sitting on a swing kiddie corner from the hyatt regency. They claim to own the swing that is sitting on a public sidewalk and enjoy yelling at people who sit there. If it sits on a public sidewalk then it is open to the public. Hyatt Regency staff are dirty agents of all varieties.
My phone was killed last night as I took dozens of pictures of people coming to town arriving at the Regency and some of those pretentious individuals recieved a police escort. The unstable manager of the Hyatt regency was shinning a flash light at all people walking on the side walk in front of the regency. As if he had any right at all to tell people they couldn't walk on a public sidewalk. At around 23:30 hours someone came in thinking themselves important enough for a police escort.
I was told it had something to do with my case.
Well thank god they came because I still have not bathed in months, I am still being gang stalked and threatened, I still have no where to go, not one single person has been brought to justice, i have no idea where my next meal is coming from, my children are still trapped in abuse, dirty CIA are still spending trillions of tax payers dollars living it up at the wyndham gardens while they send criminals to harass, stalk and threaten me.
Who was it manipulating the lights making sure I did charge my phone last night????
The buttheads left me out here with no money, food, bathing or a way to defend myself.
You just remember ethics counseling for the rest of your careers. It will come back on you ten fold. 

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