It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, March 6, 2020

Prior house

 While I stayed at the prior many of the women that came to stay there were sent by my enemies.
There was an older woman that was in the bag across from me. I thought she was a nice old lady until I realized later that she was working with the Castro brothers and dirty City officials. She's likely a foreign agent. I was giving her some clothes because my wardrobe was too big and I needed to thin it out.
My phone was protesting with me telling me not to do it. At some point I received a message talking about Suicidal Tendencies and the signs and symptoms of suicide. That made it clear that my ex-husband and Joaquin Castro decided that they were going to claim that I was suicidal simply because I was giving away some of my things. The dress I gave her was one of the items that she turned over to them so the dog could attack me.
And now you can see how desperate they were and how they were grasping at straws anything they could use against me. They literally thought that they could walk around telling people I was suicidal simply because I gave away some clothing. The small minds that they have in their childlike mannerism is so disgusting all of us little people out here thinking that members of Congress are so much smarter than the rest of us rest assured there not some of them are actually pretty stupid some of them are morons like both of those Castro Brothers and several more that I will be naming as morons with a list proving their moronic ways and their Simple Minds talk to you when this is over I will have enough evidence and enough of their statements to show the nation that they should have never been in control how far government

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