It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, March 6, 2020

Crosspoint Ministries another dirty nonprofit

Crosspoint Ministries has several halfway homes in the city of San Antonio. And they opened up the prior house to veterans because they were getting grant money from the Veterans Administration. The former director of the prior house became a social worker for the veterans administration. Her name is Rhonda she is not qualified to be a social worker for any veteran. She's not exactly a stable individual.
While I stayed at the Pryor house they were receiving phone calls from my ex-husband and the Castro Brothers they were instructed to do various things to me. One of those things was tell me that I was working too many hours and I would no longer be allowed to stay there if I worked too many hours. The women that stay at this home are homeless and in order to progress out of their current situation working more hours and working hard would be one of the many things that they would have to do to improve their status. Doesn't make any sense that you are going to thwart someone's efforts to progress themselves out of a homeless situation?
The director who we simply called Sandoval used to get in arguments with me about medication I was taking an antidepressant to help me quit smoking. I was required to take three of them a day and then I was going to progress to two a day. They had to be 6 hours apart and when I was taking two obviously it was one every 12 hours. The insane woman was trying to make me take all of the medication before I left in the morning for work. She started screaming and yelling and arguing with me she did this in front of Rhonda Bradshaw who is my veteran advocate caseworker. My veterans caseworker did nothing about the situation she should have been able to see how wrong Sandoval is. Sandoval is not trained in any kind of medical profession. She should not even be dealing with people's medication she should not have her hands on it she has no qualification for this whatsoever. She continuously gave me a hard time about the medication until I got to the point where I just simply quit taking it and decided that I would take the medication with me when I left the house and I would quit smoking after I got the heck out of crazy house.
I had been working driving a taxi for more than two months I was saving up money so I can get a house and retain an attorney. Sandoval decided that she was training a new employee they did and inspection of all of my things that was locked in my closet. I couldn't put my money in a bank because my ex-husband and Joaquin Castro were hacking into my bank accounts they had help from dirty FBI agents and dirty NSA agents. I kept the money inside of one of my suitcases and I had it rolled there was three rolls of it. Each roll had $1,000 rolled up with a rubber band around it. When Sandoval did her inspection $1,000 disappeared. As you can imagine I was very upset. I filed a police report and then I went to Crosspoint Ministries headquarters to talk to the Administration staff about the money that had been stolen from my belongings. I talked to a man named Joe I remember his I kept twitching when I was trying to talk to him. I had several issues that needed addressing about the way that Sandoval was running that house and how she thinks it's okay to take people's civil rights away from them. I wanted to talk about the lost money. He told me that a policy where you cannot keep any cash on you or in your belongings. There is no policy it was not written before this incident happen you can bet he pencilled it into their policies after I walked out. This is a non-profit who claims to be Christian and based on biblical methods. I remember very clearly that he did not even so much as offer a prayer he was cold and crass no empathy no apathy no understanding as to what I was going through because his employee Stole My Money. The only thing that he was worried about was whether or not I would be able to pursue a lawsuit. And not so much a lawsuit will be happening but their doors will be closing. That's what happens when you can't adhere to your mission statement while you're receiving millions of dollars from the government in the form of grant money. When you decide that it's okay to collude with foreign agents and dirty politicians you're found guilty of very serious crimes and your nonprofit will no longer exist.

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