It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Mental health officers sapd

 I've had to deal with more than six mental health officers at sapd. And this blog you will see a news article posted about the shoplifting at mental health officer who was arrested. And I am here to tell you that 90% of the mental health officers working at sapd are completely dysfunctional and they have no business working with people who are emotionally distressed or mentally handicapped.
In 2016 I filed a complaint about officer Anthony Flores who had been illegally accessing my phones and all of my accounts online. The man had been chasing me all over the city terrorizing me it was very scary and he was very aggressive. He would follow me all day long he would stop at 7 p.m. like clockwork I found out later he works third shift at sapd. I filed the complaint and delivered it to his supervisor Captain Randall Smith of the South substation. Captain Randall Smith then it contacted Mental Health Sergeant Simpson I believe or something close to that. The mental health officer then called me and said that he was instructed to contact me because I was emotionally distressed. I had a long conversation with this officer and told him that I simply filed a complaint against the police officer who is committing serious crimes against me and I was in fear for my life. Sergeant Simpson was very confused both of us were. While while I am talking to you he said you don't sound emotionally distressed even though you should be considering what that police officer is doing. I don't know why Captain Randall Smith forced me to call you. I know exactly why this happened Captain Randall Smith was instructed to do this by Chief McManus. This is called retaliation and in our country is not legal. Sergeant Simpson is one of the only mental health officers I've ever talked to who is actually a good person and does his job properly.
I had to deal with officer Shannon who never gives out her last name I have long drawn-out stories of my interaction with a psychopath. She breaks the law on a daily basis abusing her position and finding herself guilty of official oppression literally on a daily basis. She's mentally unstable and unfit for society her partner is just as bad as her officer Kaiser. He likes to call himself Sergeant even though he does not have that rank. He likes to boast that he is Chief McManus is right hand man Keith McManus is going to prison for the rest of his life I wouldn't be bragging about being his right hand man not a good idea.
Officer Steve Shannon and officer Kaiser sent over to other Behavioral Health officers Sgt Saga and his partner Henry. Most of this went okay my interaction and talked with these men until Sergeant Saga decided to tell me that Chief McManus has every right to look at my medical records and my history. No he absolutely has no right to do that. The other thing he does not have the right to do is call up Southwest General Hospital director of Behavioral Health and tell her to give me a diagnosis that I don't have any signs and symptoms for. And the dumb woman did it what do you think is going to happen to her exactly what should happen to her. There's many more details to the story.
Now Henry the partner I've searched psycho who thinks nobody has any civil rights and that HIPAA doesn't apply here in San Antonio Henry seems to be an okay kid but it won't take long before all of these dirty criminal officers corrupt him too.

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