It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, March 9, 2020

Micheal Trask

I grew up with Michael Trask. We became estranged when we both went in the military. I started communicating with him when I was in Michigan. I friended him on Facebook. My ex-husband contacted him and asked him to become a part of this conspiracy. He was instructed to call my mom and renew their relationship so that he could manipulate my mother into believing that I was insane and there was something wrong with me. Michael did everything he was instructed by my ex-husband and dirty politicians. He served our country in the Navy for more than 10 years but I don't think it was serviced he had in mind more like the destruction of our country. Michael is a traitor to our nation. He is a heathen. Recently he was given access to my phone I was reading everything and listening to me there's nothing lawful about this. Then he decided he was going to badmouth my mother and insult her. She's never been anything but kind to Michael. I don't know what it is that he thought that he was going to gain by stabbing his loved ones in the back the people that were there for him. What he's gained is some serious criminal charges and he will be indicted.
It's sad to think that his mother Mary Trask would never approve of anything he has done if she was still with us he would be breaking her heart. I am sure she's looking down on the mess that he has become involved in the conspiracy and the collusion and she is not pleased or proud. People like Michael don't think about the others that they are hurting when they act in such a vicious manner.
Michael trost works for a non-profit nonprofits in our country are all about serving the community and making it a better and safer country for us to reside in. Most of the nonprofits are manipulated by Foreign agents in the United States many of them are partaking in money laundering and Miss allocation of funds. Many of our nonprofits are puppets of the New World Order. However when you're opening a non-profit when you're working for a non-profit the mission statement is very distinctive of helping others. This person that Michael Trask has become does not reflect a mission statement of helping others or the community. What he is doing is reflective of a traitor to our nation.
Michael Trask was actually once a good person who had compassion for others and respect for human life. I pray that that person will resurface and come to light. I forgive you Michael and I pray that you will see the error of your ways. The things that you've done and the things that you have said are just nasty

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