It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, March 2, 2020

Iran Official Actor

OH NO EVERYBODY ...I suddenly have the ability to predict the future another fake death. No one will prosecute him for his crimes because he will die from the virus. He was manipulating media about it he was lying about the death toll. He said he would step down and resign if he was wrong and he was proven wrong and they told him to resign. Yep that is exactly what he is doing with fake death. Now all the people of Iran are in a panic and freaking out and if they don't get flu like symptoms the stress alone will kill them and cause health complications. Think outside the box.
Look at the Official standing next to him, look at the body language, gee I wonder if he knows what numb nuts is doing? Gee I wonder. Does he look happy about the juvenile behavior? I think not.
Alright people just take a moment and watch his micro-expressions PLEASE he is laughing he thinks he is funny. Would you be laughing if you have a potentially deadly virus. No you would not and I will tell you something else you would not have the energy to be on TV playing gas lighting games with the entire country. You would be in bed moaning and growning

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