It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, March 6, 2020

Family Endeavors dirty nonprofit

Family Endeavors with a non-profit here who claims to do housing for Veterans they don't actually do that at all. I have gone to them several times trying to get help as a veteran they offered me a position teaching children in El Paso Texas refugees. Does anybody else find it odd that this nonprofit organization is receiving millions of dollars in grant money from our government to Aid veterans but are helping Refugee children in El Paso Texas I didn't take the job my children is here and I'm fighting for them. They never gave me any help with housing grants or vouchers.
The Castro Brothers in the city of fish oils are hyper to get the minions off in the street because as I've said a hundred times the Castro brothers are responsible for every crime that is happening here in San Antonio they started this mess. One of the Minions that they're trying to get off the street and into an apartment is John. John was supposed to be getting help from family endeavors he was supposed to move into his home for days ago. The case worker at Family Endeavors refuses to answer his phone the deposit is paid he's approved and has a lease agreement and suddenly the deal is falling through because the case worker at Family Endeavors refuses to do his job. You might be wondering is John a veteran? no he's not. John is not the only minion that was being helped by family and Evers and being put into apartment given the housing to get off in the streets so no more pictures would be taken and no more collusion would be happening. John works with a man named Nelson Nelson as a foreign agent who has been rounding up criminals and sending them at me. I don't think John understands that he is being given housing so the Castro brothers and San Antonio City officials can save themselves

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