It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Agents I am dealing with

Agents who are suppose to be doing an investigation are telling me I need to take pictures of the psychos who are stalking me. They refuse to give me money, food, drink, shelter but expect me to do their investigation for them. I am unable to bathe it has been weeks and dirty cops, nsa, fbi, cia sociopaths refused to allow me food bathing or shelter and expect me to cooperate with this circus they call an investigation. You think this is legal? No of course it is not I have rights. My civil rights are stripped from me and I am not allowed the basic things we need to sustain life, all the things you people take for granted. This day I have no food and no money and I have dirty cops and foreign agents who have everything they need even though they commit serious crimes daily and they are cold blooded killers.
You're not starving me anymore for your stupid games of stalking and harassing we move past this phase a long time ago now you're just playing games I'm starving me to death trying to convince me that I'm cooperating with your God damn investigation know I'm proving to everybody how completely insane you are and how much you need capital punishment I'm not playing along you're not going to starve me again enough is enough I've been doing this for years and I'm done.
Allow me to correct myself it's a combination of sociopathic agents and dirty cops who think they're going to keep me going taking pictures and being stalked and harassed and assaulted poisoned and starve to death what you're going to do is get yourself some capital punishment stupid

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