It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, July 1, 2024

Jolly Green Giant

Jolly green dumb Giant and his nasty cat nasty blind cat shut your mouth b**** Yahoo/Inbox • Rise Sunshine,,,,ajmarshallx3@gmail.comand 1 more... Fri, Nov 3, 2023 at 11:35 PM Marshall Mathers as many people one of the people that he is is a jolly Green Giant that came in from Mars he sings the song I'm a martian I'm a martian because he's an idiot and he's telling the world the jolly Green Giant has a nasty mouth and likes to threaten people the jolly Green Giant was at that meeting with the Russians that the Trump family had. In other words Marshall Mathers Marshall Mathers likes to call me out of my name and he likes to rape Marshall Mathers likes to tell me that he's going to kill my children Marshall Mathers was one of the many sapd officers that was playing dumb games and doesn't know the law and likes to commit crimes against humanity too stupid to understand he will suffer the wrath of God too stupid to shut his stupid mouth. Are you going to kill my children Marshall he pulled his daughter in Haley Mathers and told her to do some stupid things like follow me around and Edina Minnesota so that she could charge me with harassment you're following me and I'm guilty of harassment if I take a picture of you that's harassment the paparazzi are charged with harassment Haley are you stupid why are you listening to Chief McManus why are you listening to agent Boyle claim that it can be harassment after they put me in jail for 5 months claiming that I was guilty of harassment when they were following me around taking pictures of the back of my vehicle do you have any damn common Sense how about cognitive reasoning how the hell am I harassing you when you're following me from City to City taking pictures of the back of my vehicle following me don't listen to that dumb dog that white dog is the most idiotic dog that exists on our planet grow a brain and don't listen to the idiot don't listen to idiot Ted Cruz the zodiac killer who says that if a woman has an orgasm during rape then it's not rape and in a court of law nobody will be charged with rape because she had an orgasm that doesn't make any sense does anybody understand how that doesn't make any sense does anybody understand what an idiot Ted Cruz is. Threaten to kill my children again you jolly Green Giant and your last day on Earth will be today Jolly Green Giant still raping and his stupid cat still running her mouth Yahoo/Inbox • Rise Sunshine,,,,ajmarshallx3@gmail.comand 1 more... Fri, Nov 3, 2023 at 11:37 PM Stupid jolly Green Giant is still raping why don't you have another meeting with Russia and see how you can organize an invasion of the United States why don't you keep calling me a f****** b**** you useless piece of crap you think you're invincible you think you're untouchable you think you're a God. It doesn't matter if you're a God this isn't your planet this isn't your home you're invited guest here and you better stop you're stupid s***

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