It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sergeant Stephanie Flores Inbox

Sergeant Stephanie Flores Inbox Rise Sunshine Mon, Apr 29, 8:56 AM to partnerships, PD, Fake, General, Fake, malvarado, press, media, mbanks, mass, Mummx4, pperez, mkirichenko, mummx3, printandgo, me, Ariel, police Sergeant Stephanie Flores is in charge of the entire jail she started out as being in charge of all of the public relations parties and she was literally going to the bar every night that's how her career started then when she was completed with her training and became a sheriff a deputy she then was the voice for LGBT community within the sheriff's department. Soon she was appointed to the jail and being in charge of all officers and inmates in the jail she ran it into the ground the place doesn't even reach code it's unfit for an animal and unfit for human being. In October of 2018 she was releasing dozens upon dozens of inmates telling them that if they attach themselves to me got me hooked on drugs and got me into prostitution they would no longer have to serve any of their time and that they were free with time served. She eventually was reprimanded for what she was doing she should have lost her job she should have went to prison for official oppression and many other crimes but she merely was reprimanded and suspended for 3 days and then went back to work doing the exact same thing she never stopped. oddly enough she is connected to a bunch of Japanese spies that were in San Antonio Texas she sent these Japanese spies to follow me around the city they were rude they were bullies and when I was starving they were flaunting money and food in my face it was heinous they were disgusting they didn't belong in our country they were there in a student grant a student visa both. Stephanie Flores used to send sheriff's and sapd to any location I was at to find anything wrong because she wanted me arrested and put back in the jail again. After spending 17 days in the jail I was supposed to go to court about the bond that I received or some such thing but the thing is I went in front of the judge I shouldn't have had a bond that doesn't make any sense they forced me to accept the criminal record I was coerced they told me that if I wanted to fight the criminal charges that I was receiving I would have to stay in the jail for 3 months. Does that make any sense do you think that's legal it's not legal Stephanie Flores is an idiot she doesn't believe in our constitutional right she doesn't believe in our civil rights the jail food is poisoned and the Bear county jail all of the water pipes are leaking when you go to the infirmary you die. Many women were giving birth in the Bear county jail they would go to the infirmary them and their newborn children would die it happened a lot. For some reason when you would go and get an x-ray you would end up with cancer because they were playing stupid games they were claiming that on my chest x-ray they saw a lump in my breast it was actually a finger they were trying to schedule me for a mamiogram and they had done that for 6 years and I continuously told them to stick their mammogram up their ass. Stephanie Flores is sick she pulled in her father and her sister to help in this I got plenty of pictures of them following me around ending up at restaurants Starbucks they came to the college sat next to me when I was in the computer lab Stephanie Flores is a giant problem

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