It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, July 27, 2024


So the officers chase me down after I took pictures of them bullying the homeless I was written a citation for camping even though I told the officer that I've talked to the building manager here and the building manager said that I was fine as long as I cleaned up my thing and didn't leave any garbage. Basically basically this officer is trespassing nobody called him and complained that I was camping here and they saw me out to do this he's playing very loud music while he's patrolling the streets that's not okay I asked him how many of these citations he was going to write tonight and he said hopefully not many I've just taken pictures of 8 campers out here notice they pinned pointed me and chased me down he told me that I could take it to a court of law fight it as he took his Cole bad recording system and took a picture of my bed let me remind everybody I'm out here because the mayor put me out here and the chief of police so yeah I'm going to have a bed. Let me also remind every buddy that the sociopathic mayor has all these homeless out here and they have no help and nowhere to go and now you're going to write citations for camping and these homeless people cannot pay those tickets three of them and they go to jail excuse me what the governor say about arresting people that frivolous charges he told you not to do it right Mr Mayor? I've been attacked by these police officer should be for in the same exact manner and it have had tickets written I'm out here on purpose doing an investigation actually I'm not investigating I'm bait so that they can watch you break the damn law and who called you and told you to do it could it have something to do with a man that staying at Mary Taylor's house could it has something to do with the Bob see twins that still are winning at this game who told you to do it? And I hope everybody understand that I'm going to get my butt back up and walk through the city all night long taking pictures of all the people who did not get camping tickets. Because they targeted me and the Patty wagon showed up to they were hoping that they can throw me in the Patty wagon that's what kind of sociopath we have working the streets with badges and loaded weapons they're unstable. That's why the city of San Antonio is the number one city who is not taking the corona virus seriously and is not containing the virus look at the mayor's solution to write people tickets what are ridiculous concept I do look forward to your indictment. So the officer accuse me of being a snitch when I told him there's somebody at the other end of the building but they targeted me amazing you could even see me while you had your loud music blasting while riding up and down the street He was snarky disrespectful and rude telling me that I can fight it in a court of law and then he told me good luck biting it in a court of law oh honey I don't need luck you're going to go down with the other 500 police officers that are already looking at indictment. He never asked look at my ID he simply asked for my information according to him I'm breaking the law while he's trespassing the owner of this building and the building manager didn't call to complain and that's when they enter the property when the building manager the CEO or the owner call them otherwise they're trespassing

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