It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, July 29, 2024

Manipulating Services again

there is supposed to be 73 cents worth of cash on this card . although that's not the correct amount because these morons took $400 I'm $422 actually. but you can see when I use Walgreens systems that are being manipulated and has a zero balance most of it's just blank it doesn't even have numbers. when I tried to use cash the error code said tender cannot be used in the error code should say insufficient funds because they took the cash off. cash is probably back on now but they continuously manipulate Walgreens systems and once again we are seeing those stupid error codes that they think that funny with and Jalen's no Decker made up his own word when I was using it in Santa Monica and error code was a made-up word that didn't make any sense the cashier called over the manager and said have you ever seen an error code like this this doesn't make any sense because Jalen thinks he's funny. now remember that Trader Joe's where I used it in Santa Monica is owned by the CIA those are agents and operatives working in that they're going to play close attention to my card they're going to pay close attention to error codes that are make believe and now they're doing it again with the Walgreens system remember I told you that the Laughing Hyena said that he accessed my Walgreens account to stop all transactions from happening and now they're doing it again they're making up their own error codes that don't make any sense tender cannot be processed I believe is what it said which is basically them saying that they are stopping the transaction from happening accessing the Walgreens systems. tender cannot be processed means that they are stopping the transaction

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