It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tornado and golden retriever

ccurrently she is making up stories about who was associated with who and what happened while we were in San Antonio. I went into the Clark high School in May of 2021 looking to see if my children were attending school there I had a court order in my hand that stated I had the legal right to know where my children were and how they were doing in school. when I showed up with the court order and told the receptionist that I needed to talk to a principal about my children and whether or not they were attending school there this woman impersonated a vice principal and called the ISD Police there was three of them. she claimed that there was a court order that stated I wasn't allowed to be on any school property in the state of Texas. no court order exists she is completely insane. I had the court order in my hand and asked her to read it she refused to read it she was yelling and screaming telling me I had to get out of there. I was talking to a police officer as I walked down the stairs to go back to my truck and I was asking him what gives them the legal right to kick me out without giving me any information when I have a court order in my hand that states I have the legal right to know where my children are. as I was talking to that police officer and having a professional conversation with him the woman stood behind me put her hands up in the air to push me down the steps. she shot her a glance to tell her to stop if she's going to push me down the steps what is she doing to the students at that school. she said the craziest thing she was completely insane she was an emotional basket case we don't need people like this working around children. tthat that evening there was a tornado that touched down in San Antonio she lost her damn mind everybody told me it was jealousy and the officer that I was talking to was her man. so she called her man to claim that there was some court order stating that I wasn't allowed to be in school property which is a lie. when that tornado touched down I nearly died

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