It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, July 1, 2024

Jalen Sneddker and his DIM WHITTS

The gym wits are at it again Jalen Yahoo/Inbox • Rise Sunshine,,,,ajmarshallx3@gmail.comand 1 more... Fri, Nov 3, 2023 at 3:24 PM According to the moron Jalen Randy rainbow and Jalen Sneed dicker are the same man. Apparently they have really good writers according to them everybody that's putting out the magazines the writers that do it they're writing up all kinds of fake crap which I believe because they're letting that stupid gray right a bunch of articles that gray wrote an article about Taylor Swift and all of her songs about ex-boyfriends and the songs that he made reference to are not about ex-boyfriends they're about me they're about my house and all the people involved in this circus that's how stupid the people are that you have writing those articles in those magazines it's ridiculous. It probably is those writers writing those magazines when you have an idiot gray writing stupid s*** with a bunch of typos. So according to Jalen and Randy rainbow they're the same guy he's not married to Tabitha and they don't have a little boy. They never dated in college they weren't married when he went in and destroyed a jail finding himself guilty of sexual harassment sexual assault and moving drugs through a jail so that his PALS like Zoe Kravitz Haley the cat Jenna the cat some Tracy dumb b**** could take over the lambs that were in the jail because if they're using drugs then they're easy to take over and control so Jalen brought drugs into the Dakota county jail and now Randy rainbow wants to take the blame for it. That Randy rainbow is such a pal to jaylen he really saved his ass. Jalen snedeker acts like a child when I was leaving the jail he decided to rub in my face the fact that I had been at the Eagan police department they refused to write a police report for me they refused to help me get shelter or food pushed me back out on the streets again didn't even so much as give me a bus pass. So when I was leaving the jail jail and decided to rub it in my face giving me a bus pass and there was no funds on the card the bus pass wasn't supposed to work but when I was able to make it work and ride the bus he became angry and I raped yelling and screaming how the hell was she able to ride the bus I didn't put any money on that card playing little high school games Jalen? when I was leaving the jail Jalen snedeker gave me all of my letters that I had written to attorneys the letters that I had written to judges when you put those in an envelope and you seal them that is considered legal mail it is considered Federal and private mail you're not supposed to open it you're not supposed to be privy to the information being disclosed to an attorney or a judge but Jalen snedeker opened it and then he handed me my letters proving to me that the judge never received a single letter I wrote to her. Do you see how arrogant and stupid he is that's your team. Kamala Harris that's your idiot isn't it???? Nothing legal about it not supposed to have men and a women's unit and if that's not bad enough those men officers those male officers were going to each cell looking through the window while the women were indisposed on the commode viewing the women's naked bodies that sexual harassment and it's borderline sexual assault. When the women started complaining about it the men shrug their shoulders and said we are doing what we were told to do too stupid to understand ethics too stupid to understand sexual harassment guidelines and lawsuits too stupid to call the department of corrections and inform them that a d****** named Jalen was forcing them to do something that was illegal and unethical stupidest men ever just ask Justin Timberlake how stupid it was asked him Justin Timberlake if he was forced to look through a window at women that were indisposed. When you're done doing that find Mullen ask him if he was asked to do the damn same thing. Now go find that piece of crap officer Xander Haley which is Chris from sapd it's Chris officer jackass we call him we also call him Christopher nino because he's like a child it's the actor from jackass oh my God the actor from jackass is the one that raped my daughter Ariel he decided it would be a good idea to seduce her and if they had an intimate relationship then I would get so emotional and upset I might commit suicide oh my God you're dead you're dead I'm going to find you you're dead I don't care what your shape-

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