It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, September 2, 2022

Officer Mqanders June 6th Sgt. Giles

Officers Manders was yelling at me to come down there was someone there to talk to me 1420hours So this is the second time I was required to talk to the incompetent man who thinks he can intimidate me into a state of submission. This is the man that is the Prea Sgt. on staff that does not know the defintion of sexual harassment and he does not know the law that protects victims of rape. They don't have to go threw a strip search you incompetent creep. He was then reminding me about the last time we talked as if I were a 6 year old child. Your the only one who thinks you are my authority and I don't appreciate you talking to me and all other inamtes like you are holier than thou. He was announcing that he had told me to find another venue to write my stories of the crimes committed against me. I said I found another venue and I think the senator's office is another appropriate venue. Then this arrogant ass said that other venue I was refering to is a journal. Oh yes a journal is really going to get the information out there where I need it your a piece of work aren't you? When I talked to this man he decided to docunment the conversation and put it in the jail systems and he did not write anything that reflected what had been said nothing was even close to what I had said. He was trying to write it to look as though I was unstable and once again I had to hear that "in nature" statement again. This isn't the first time that I got nastiness from Prea officers I recieved an email from a woman claiming she was a chief of a police department and the leading officer of Prea. I know what Prea has to offer and I know what must be done, those weeds will be pulled from the garden. Then this man is telling me about lawsuits and he is telling me that I could be charged. Hideous. I am trying to tell this man that his officers are threatening me and they are using profanity. He claimed that it is OK for them to do this because they are holding me accountable. Holding me accountable? What did I do to warrant threats of physical assualt and swearing in my face? He claims I must have done something wrong why did they do that. This man is unstable and he is unfit for the job of Prea officer he has no respect for people's rights I am not ovcer exaggarating when I say he claims that once they enter the jail they have no rights all theirs rights were given up when they committed a crime. I DID NOT COMMIT A CRIME SGT GILES YOU CREEPY UNSTABLE MAN. I informed him that in the end MY TESTIMJONY is going to out weigh his and all his officers. He treats me like nothing I say matters in the end you are done it's harvest time and your done. DONT EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT TELLING ALL INMATES THEY HAVE NO RIGHTS HOW DARE YOU GILES IS DONE

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