It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Senator John cornyn Washington DC office

I called senator John cornyn's office in Washington DC because Kate his assistant from Austin is stupid enough to keep attacking me accessing my bank account accessing all of my email addresses she is also accessing my phone's unlawfully accessing my own technologies she apparently was using my LinkedIn account to send people messages that wasn't me she is a piece of work you can imagine the swearing and the provocative messages she's sending out there to random individuals because that's how sick Kate is. everybody has told her over and over again to stop her s*** and the stupid disgusting Kate the w**** w h o r e has refused to stop committing these crimes against me. the second time I called senator John cornyn's office a man who called himself Austin answered the phone after I told him the complete story of what kids doing he said he doesn't know anything about my dealings with Kate I don't give a crap if you know anything about the dealings with Kate you dumb piece of s*** Jason. your job is to document everything I told you and share it with senator John cornyn because none of this looks good on him these crimes will fall on to him your job is the document everything I said Jason the stupid piece of s*** started talking about CPS and whether or not I have a case did I say that I have a case with CPS Jason? I didn't say anything about CPS I told you that I have been communicating with your stupid girlfriend the fat b**** since 2015 telling her that my children were abducted and they are willfully being hidden by Greg Marshall their father. you don't tell me about a CPS case Jason you document everything I'm saying and you share it with senator John cornyn and if you can't do that job you will go to prison. Austin also shared that Kate no longer works for senator John cornyn I don't care if she no longer works for senator John cornyn that's a stupid gaslighting game you stupid assholes were playing telling me that she no longer works for the senator because if she no longer works for the senator then it's okay for her to be in Minnesota chasing me around attacking me watching me freeze to death on the streets watching me go 6 weeks without bathing sleeping on a park bench six weeks without eating a real meal because that's how sick Kate is she needs a kick in the head and I'm ready to give it to her now

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