It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, September 2, 2022

Country Inn Brooklyn

so Chris is still running his mouth and this man is so insecure it's disgusting everybody else has to be wrong and he has to be right. he literally thinks he's going to make me feel bad because people are choosing to leave the hotel because I'm here. obviously they have a brain they know that they better leave if there are part of this conspiracy and I'm here and they don't want me to take pictures or they were told they have to leave. he is literally sitting here telling me look at how many people you push out of this hotel simply by getting a room utilizing the business center and sitting around talking I push people out wow I am so utterly powerful aren't I does that make any sense? what the hell do you think you are is that supposed to be some sort of guilt trip I push people out? you are so damn hideous if I was as hideous as you I would shut my mouth and never open it I would never say a f****** thing if I was as hideous as you who the hell do you think you are you think you're going to control the manipulate me you think you're going to use guilt trips to get control of me is that what you do with your wife is that what you do with your six girlfriends does it work? Christopher deck I would shut my goddamn mouth if I were you you think everybody

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