It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, September 2, 2022

Grievances rejected and deleted from jail data

June 28th 2022 8:32:27am grievance rejected with cut copy and paste from handbook a one liner was in each message and it was clear to me that SGT SNEDDEKER wrote that one liner. June 28th 2022 8:56:14 am re:Grievance June 28th 2022 9:12:04am Dakota County Grievance rejected different department telling me that it looks like a grievance and I submitted it to the wrong department. However I did that purposely because they blocked me from even typing in a grievance. Happy and complimentary message to Hannaha June 28th 2022 1:47:49pm Grievances rejected Original message 2022-06-24 21:00:30 officer only gave one hour . Ombius hearing definition was so hideous given by an officer. June 28 2022 1:50:34 Grievance rejected original 06-26-2022 19:25:12 June 25th approx. 2000 hours inmate Sancie and myself were standing @ desk when we heard Officer Haley saying across the banwidth "that fuckin bitch wrote and sent another grievance". I have been accused of using vulgar lanuage and now I and all other inmates have to listen to a cold blooded killer using that lanuage and the officers think it's funny? Or do they find it commicial that he isn't winning the battle to make me stop? this is ridiculous behavior highly unprofessional and you allowed the primitive beast in your jail messing with all opproations and procedures. June 28th 2022 1:50:46 pm grievance rejected original message sent 2022-06-26 19:31:56 story about the dancing money screaming profanity yelling at me I can't spell anything correct. He yells he doesn't like my drawings and I need to stop immediately. He constantly tells me I lost my phone when I look in my bag for it. Sometimes he tells me that he went into my room or auto and took the phone. He constantly tells me I have forgotten something and I need to go back. The truth is I did not forget anything and there is no need to back track. He is attempting to slow me down and irritate me. He is a child and what he does a dancing monkey could and would do. He is the employee of Councilwoman Ana Sandoval San Antonio. Tammy Miller takes his lead and she runs her hideous mouth in the same way. From example "your fucking bitch, whore, cunt" then she plays as though she wasn't the one that said it. "Chris don't say that your screwing me up". Then all the morons say "No that was me that them", the person saying "no that was me" is the exact person I was making reference to. They think they are clever and funny. They are brainless twits and that's why your entire operation is falling apart. June 28th 2022 2:30pm Grievance rejected original message sent @ 2022-06-28 08:56:14 June 28th -2022 4:00:09pm phone and mail issues Recieved from ID L.C. #418 this is phone and mail issues you sent this to the wrong department. The L.C. 418 moron doesn't know how to forward a message to the grievance department even when I am making the request to please forward it to the grievance department. This LC then gets snippy with me telling me that I will loose the privellage of using the Kiosk to communicate. Officer Brown came to me one day when I was typing in the Kiosk and she leaned against the wall telling me that I would get formal charges in a court of law if I continued to type stories into the Kiosk. Brown was leaning against the wall with one elbow holding her on the wall. This body lanuage was not typical of Officer Brown and I decided that she simply was not herself on this day so I ignored her threat and proceeded to type in stories of the crimes committed against me in texas and the crimes committed against me as I drove across the country. June 28th the rest of the day the Kiosk was shut down and we had nothing but black screen the rest of the day. June 29th 2022 7:27:32 am grievance rejected Original message 06-28-2022 They call for me to go to anger coping. It was taught by Mr. Carey but I was only able to attend one class and then the rules were changed to you have to sign up every week and sometimes on a daily basis or you would not be on the list and they would not let you out of your cell to attend this started happening in July and on June 29th I was allowed to go to the class. 06-29-2022 08:33:42 am Dakota Country Request -) Phone and mail issues. Recieved This message que is for phone and mail issues Thank You SM417 06-28-2022 orignal Peyton Trice paid her bail and was not allowed to leave she was told she had another hold that appeared from no where that she knew nothing about. This happened frequently they were keeping these women in there for one reason or another. They were trying to fill the jail in late July there were inmates in the jail that had been in San Antonio Texas with me and when I asked if they were from Texas they lied and said they had never been there as if I didn't recognise them. As they taunted me and started fights they were smerking and laughing. There was a woman there in late July that looked just like Julia Roberts. I got good solid information from that woman. She said she had to go to prison for some drug charges but she only had to go for 4 months. She is probally out now on good behavior or errors in the court orders. 06-29-2022 4:52:19pm Grievances rejected one liner 06-29-2022 5:01:12pm Grievances rejected 06-29-2022 10:41:12pm grievance rejected it was sent to the medical department and once again I requested that they send it to the grievance department and rather than forwarding it they sent a snarky message about it being the wrong department. origanl message was sent 06-28-2022--16:46:40 In these messages that are being sent the time format is never the same. Sometimes it is military time and sometimes it is in a civil sector format. I pointed this out to one of the officers at which time I was told if they are signing into the jail network from home they the time format will vary. They are montering my messages from home and they are rejjecting them as quicky as possible because then it is moved to the read box and no one at the jail will open it if someone already read it. Officer Z. Haley, SGT> SNEDDEKER, Officer Carley Notch. SGT. Giles and possibly others June 30th 2022 08:59:48 am Grievance rejected 06-29-2022 16:52:19 pm June 29th I made several phone calls when I got Thomas Dunnwald on the phone he didn't know the rule 20 assessment had been thrown from a court of law or dismissed he told me that we are waiting for the rule 20 assessment and that made no sense because he was the one that handed that assessment to me telling me I only had thirty minutes to read it before going into a court of law and he told me to concentrate on the last page. The man had been yelling at me to SHUT UP. He told me I was not allowed to go into a court of law and say that I am not guilty.

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