It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 5, 2022

June 5th Dakota County Jail 8100 unit

June 5th 2022, The officer had her special chosen inmates out in the dayroom when everyone else was in lockdown she claimed she was having them clean however they are not assigned inmate workers and they were not cleaning they were at the sesk talking and shooting the shit. She had one inmate worker out and that was Urna. they were taking showers in the middle of the night and watching TV. It was officer Anderson who was not herself all day. She is the one that was calling SGT. Ruark Rory. I was confused Sgt. Rory? Then she spelled the name Ruark at which time I said Ruark your calling him Rory? So in the middle of the night June 5th all the other inmates are watching these inmates getting special treatment wondering why all the rules changed and wondering why this officer claims "this is the way I do things". So the officers just do what they want and they don't have a set of standards, policies, procedures, that they are required to adhere to? This jail is chaus. This officer is acting like Notch sharing all her personnel information and treating the inmates as though they are members of her peer group? So @ 21:40 hours when she called lockdown SGT Ruark was here. He was being nice that was a little bit scary. He was explaining he had to scrap paint off the mirrors, and sink lights because they went through inspections. There are many cells light that he was busy I am sure it was painted and the contract employees didn't finish.

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