It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 5, 2022

Black truck that tried to kill me

here's the black truck that tried to kill me the black truck that was parked at my parents home the black truck that came inches away from hitting me on Miller trunk highway in Duluth when there was a stupid tow truck chasing me down because the individual that drives the black truck called the tow truck company I'll complete and total idiot and the silver pickup truck out back of the hotel is the moron that went 120 miles an hour pass me on the highway in Michigan he told everybody he was going to hit the vehicle I was in to kill me but he didn't hit the vehicle he just went 120 miles per hour everybody that was with me was scared and they screamed when the moron the reckless driving idiot sapd police officer did 120 miles per hour past the vehicle I was driving on my way to traverse City

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