It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Sept 2nd early

I have been followed by several people today and several officers have circled me as well are the officers your new scouts Officer Bird Caller?

leaving gym walked down Blanco to find a functional bus stop people lined up at gas stations inhibiting buses.
While at bus stop man stopped to offer ride said his name was mike there are a whole lot of mikes are these stage names? Plat:HVX 6588 white 4 door Chevy souped up.
Said he had to bust a nut; socket wrench, hammer and chisel, or torch?
When I refused to help or watch Mike revoked the offer of a ride.
Went back to bus stop, Black pick up with partial plate of 8991 asked if i needed a ride and when i said yes he sped off. When you graduate from high school you man be a decent person.
Apple-tree lawn service black pick up beeping as they passed.
White pick up 0902; 1020 am he once again is bothering me after i have been at the gym and surprising he didn't go right into the gym this time. When I looked in the passenger seat and know have your child with you again.  Does your child understand what you are doing is illegal and you are going to be held accountable whether it's man's law or god's law. This is at least three times I have seen you bring your child and I am sure he has been along more than I have seen. Here son I am going to teach you to stalk, harass, and absolutely terrorize a woman who is running and hiding for her life. We are gonna teach her son she thinks she can fight to be with her children she can never see them again unless those of us at the SAFC say she can because we are sick and care not about the well-being of children. And when you learn all this son next week I will be teaching you how to cut a body into pieces and dispose of the pieces stick with me kid and you too can an exquisite sociopath. As usual his child was breaking his neck to see me, look Dad there she is there she is, so this is how your child has to earn love and acceptance and why does he have to participate in crimes in order to get love and acceptance? There's issues everybody pay attention this is exactly what the SAFC does they take children and put them with Fathers who are dysfunctional and they do their best to eliminate mothers altogether I have a long list of these fathers and I will defiantly be posting all about them and all of their information. At this time there is a man named Greg who is trying to take his children from their mother and move them to Hawaii so they will never see their mother again, SAFC keeps destroying families and the courts and SAPD keep helping them do this and get away with it.  
I went West Ave. and then into Marshall's and walked around as I was walking around I saw three men enter I recognized them as members of SAFC both because of being followed and because of the facebook photos I have seen. I left when standing in line and went to dollar store the I sat at a picnic table in front of a orange leaf that was closed for business and as I sat there I was circled by many. First a man wearing black hat wrangler jeans and yellow striped shirt, he stopped at my picnic table and stood behind me for a spell then went across the street. Then a woman who acted as if she was going to the orange leaf, the closed orange leaf(if she frequented the orange leaf she would have know it was closed), then she went to the dollar store sure don't want to be obvious right? You messed that up when you parked your car next to the picnic table I was occupying.
I was circled three times by one police cruiser, I am not over exaggerating when I tell you he put an hour into this odorous devour. Then low and behold 0902 back on the scene boy you are resilient aren't you? Is this love? Only for you I assure you. I was unable to see if he still had his child in the truck.
After him there was a surprising participant Yellow Cab 154, gee Tamer Morsi' father I presume? No really I presume I don't know who he is. Hey everybody did you know that Yellow Cab is owned by a prominent attorney with years under his belt of practice? What happens when he is told first about 154 and second about the fact Flores was hacking his systems trying to completely ruin the income of one of his cab drivers? And if ruining my income wasn't enough then he was sending me to the most dangerous neighborhoods at the wee hours of the morning, no he doesn't want me dead yea right!
I took the bus to get to the library so I could add to this blog, when I got off the bus and walked down San Pedro there was a officer that followed me and he pulled into the gas station and took the back road behind Gas station. Scout or something else. I stopped at Office Depot and attempted to use their computers to post to this blog and everything I typed in disappeared and was never posted. I continued to walk on to the library and saw three more officers. When I attempted to use library my account was locked up and I could not access any of my accounts, the most disturbing thing is I have a man waiting for me to respond to a potential job offer and I am on my third day of being unable to communicate with him, I wouldn't hire me if I were him.
At some point I ended up at the Bitters Subway where I worked with minion John on a remodel. God works in mysterious ways not only is there a pick that has followed me repetitively in the parking lot but I recognize a young man behind the counter as a member of SAFC. That is how they knew about John and how they pulled him into their mess.  Plate # JYG 5183 dark grey pick up truck. I saw this truck just last night it circled me three times when I was on main st at sparky's.

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