It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, September 14, 2017

H--1928 Flores?

I do believe I saw Officer Flores playing golf on September 10th on San Pedro Ave. While I have been pushed to the streets due to Flores trying to get in my home and kill me he plays golf without a worry in the world. I do hope I am wrong it was merely a man who looks like Flores driving a pick-up that looks just like Officer Flores truck. Won't the residents of San Antonio be happy to know that after an Officer try to kill someone they simply go on with their life as if nothing has happened and the victim of their behavior is left with their life ruined all their possessions gone no home no job Officers following her around 24/7 the members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign paying people to attack her and drug her and leave her lay in a park. She is starving to death and when she call SAPD for food to sustain life the Chief's staff attempts to have her committed to behavioral health to cover the details of Flores' crimes.
I do hope I am mistaken that Officer Flores isn't just running free as a bird to do whatever he pleases after attempting to break into my home and kill me. However I guess it stands to reason that Chief McManus would do this considering he reinstated the shit sandwich Officer, and the next time a citizen is raped or a young man is shot in cold blood we can turn our eyes to Officer Flores and Officer Shit Sandwich although they have proven they have no moral compasses and they know not the different between right and wrong they still carry guns and have the authority to terrorize people and if they have done it once they will do it again.

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