It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 25, 2017

Dear Congressman Castro

Dear Congressman Castro;
I wanted to thank you for sending the Texas Ranger to the location of where I am hiding and residing at this time. It has become clear to me that you were using Texas Ranger Joel Kite to create chaos, strife, and discord within the family element that is helping me to survive and hide from you and your crimes. You see as I said before their was a Constable circling me at the exact moment that the Ranger was at reside on Horseshoe Bend, so obviously not only did the ranger know I was not there he and the constable knew my exact whereabouts. I think the organization with the proper authority and capability will be find that the constable and the ranger were communicating at that moment before and after the deed was done. When that fact is established that will mean that the Ranger has violated many laws, policies and procedures of his position, and the worst of all he violated the oath he took when he decided to become a Ranger and uphold the law and defend those who are unable to defend themselves. JOEL KITE  WHY would you do this? simply because a congressman asked you to? Or perhaps it is because Julian Castro asked you to; after all he was more than just a mere congressman right? What will you tell the judge? My heart and prayers go out to your family how very disappoint they will feel when the truth of this matter is brought to the light.
I now also am able to see you and your brother have had your hands in the attacks on me for the last three and half years. At the core of this case are my three small children and you are hurting them when you manipulate the system (government), to cover the crimes of your family, friends, and yourselves. It so sad to think you are fathers and you don't understand the immense hurt you are causing my children. Are you capable of putting yourself in other peoples' shoes? How would you like to go three and half years without seeing or speaking to your children? Would that hurt you? Would it hurt your children? You don't seem to care about anybody but yourselves so go ahead and consider what this would do to yourself and your children. Silly me here I am trying to talk to as though you possess a moral compass and a hint of human qualities.
All these men you have had sent at me to violate my boundaries and my virtues have suffered so much, loss of jobs, and discord in their families you don't seem to care about their well being in the same manner that you don't care about mine. Lets pondered for a minute that 98% of those men whom I refer to as minions have a drug abuse problem, now lets consider that birds of the same feather stick together. Congressman are you using drugs? Well it stands to reason--for those of us who possess a hit of common sense anyway. No disrespect, I am just asking a question I am NOT making a statement of fact or other wise I am simply wondering, why do you associate yourself with so many drug users? How do you know all these people who abuse drugs to the point that it causes so many problems in their lives? Why sir did you think for a moment that you could get these various men to get me to use drugs? That's just strange to me I can't wrap my head around it if in my near 50 years I have not used drugs at this point then why would I choose now to be stupid? Would you do that? Is that what led you to believe that I would do so? I sincerely am coming from a position of right to understand what it is you were thinking how is it that your mind works on this subject matter it simply doesn't make sense to me at all and I really I to be able to be brought to a level of understanding as to what you were thinking and why.
Which brings us to the idea you have gotten in your head that you could cause me emotional distress to the point that I may be considered mentally incompetent. Perhaps you have not been updated on the going ons, allow me Congressman. SGT. Gilliam of the Chief's office has attempted four different times to have have me and convince the medical community that I am mentally incompetent and in each devour he failed miserably. Of course it is my belief and my opinion that it was you who asked him to or suggested to him to conduct himself in this manner and once again it is those with authority and ability that can prove this to be true as I believe it to be.

 Don't worry that which is the dark will come to the light because as I have told you before my God is bigger than this, bigger than you and all those evil men who come up against me will not prosper because I have the armor of my lord and unyielding faith.

1. Paul was concerned about the Galatians REGRESSING back to the slavery of legalism.
3. Paul was concerned about the REASONS why the Castro Brothers wanted the Citizens of San Antonio to follow their false doctrines.
I. REGRESSION (4:8-12)
8 Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by
nature are not gods. The Castro Brothers 
9 But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that
you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? Do you wish
to be enslaved by them all over again? No dear Castro Brothers you will not enslave me with your unethical law breaking manipulation of the system. 

1 comment:

  1. Want to talk about your problems? Well I’m here if you ever wanna make a mother daughter connection again. Email me at
    Sincerely, your daughter, Ariel
