It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

July 22nd 2017

I went walking to two food banks because I was running out of food again, I was unable to get any food from these sources. The previous evening I had said in front of my phones that I was fed up with this whole mess and I was going to sell off the contents of my home and use the monies to leave and hide so no one would find me. Apparently these created quite a reaction because they sent a Minion named ray at me. I went to the hospital and simply walked around when I was leaving the hospital a man approached me for a ride and I declined at first because I had horrible experiences with the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign sending sketchy characters at me offering me rides.
The man's name is Ray(so he says), plate#BLH 9625 a silver Honda civic with rear view mirror missing on passenger side, he gave me a phone number but I believe that it is one of those non traceable google numbers, he took me to his house on Oakdale and Sycomore he said he had to get phone numbers he needed at that moment, I waited outside and found it strange that if he needed these phone numbers why weren't they in his phone. Ray had taken me to Whataburger for a meal even though I had asked him several times to take me to my home. When I thought he was actually taking me to my home he had picked up his phone read it and then went in the opposite direction and he drove me all the way to Ingram. I was a long way from home and didn't like it felt trapped. We had the meal and Ray was trying very hard to talk about religion with me the first subject matter he trying to articulate was something I recognized from the history channel about how the apostles died.  Then he was talking about exorcisms. He was telling me he had participated in exorcisms and then he began quoting scenes from the movie acting as if they were memories from his experiences as if I hadn't seen the movie and didn't recognize reference of pea soup and a little girl talking with a demonic voice. WOW Then Ray asked me when the last time was that I participated in a exorcism. What? Why on earth would I do something so stupid and if I made such a mistake I surely wouldn't walking around telling people I did something so stupid I would hide it and hope no one found out. I was nice and said I don't do that, I haven't been catholic in a long time I am now reformed catholic. Ray was confused and didn't understand my catholic reference. You see Catholics are the only religious group that perform exorcisms but Ray had no clue about any of this. It became very clear to me that he had been instructed to have religious talks with me in an effort to connect with me because I am a religious person who reads my bible and quotes scripture. Sadly this man turned on his TV and attempted to gain cliff notes on religious in an effort to fool me into thinking he is religious and he even made some bizarre reference to his phone number having numerological biblical reference, whatever. He then said that he had a dream that we would live together in the future. You met me 10 minutes ago and a week ago you had a dream that we would live together? People look at Ray ---Please don't do drugs. Then he tried to kiss me and as time goes on I will see most of the Minions act in this odd and disturbing behavior. These men are being guided and instructed to do and say certain things in an effort to connect with me and their behavior and conversation is as obvious as the big nose on my face.
Another giant red flag with ray was that first he was insisting I tell him my story and then when I told him only a fraction of it he did not doubt any of it. Generally when you are telling people there is a Officer of the law outside your home every evening attempting to gain access to kill you and two SWAT officers in the back of the home watching him generally people don't believe at first glance. Ray believed me and didn't question any of it. That is yet another common denominator with minions they don't look at me crazy when I tell that part or any other part of my story, I would look at me crazy when hearing my story.
So Ray had his phone numbers and insisted on taking me to the movies even though I did not want to. He took me to a theater in Ingram about 8 miles from my house. He made some urgent call before going into the theater he was calling the three helpers he would be using to break in and rob my home. My gut told me there was something off about the whole thing and I did ask if he could simply take me home but he argued and didn't entertain the idea for a second of taking me home. We spent about an hour and Ray did this weird thing of going into each movie and watching ten minutes of each movie it was annoying and I said do you do this often and he admitted he had not done this in a long time, so why are we doing it now? Because he was instructed by Frank Castro Jr.; this time that isn't an assumption I saw frank's name in the book he so urgently had to go to his home and get before the movies. He kept trying to kiss me and while in all these various theaters he was trying to touch my body(something that would from this day forth become common place with the minions), he was a very strange little man and I was uncomfortable.
Finally he said that he had to go across the street and pick up payment this is yet another common thing I will be hearing from minions threw the next two months. He left and said he would be right back but I didn't care I also left once he was out the door. I had no money for cab or bus so I had to walk but lucky for me I knew the area and I was accustomed to walking.
When I arrived home several hours later I found that I had been robbed. They took my clothes, my jewelry, some of my tools, some paintings I had just completed, two military duffels, a make up bag, and a huge amount of beads and jewelry making supplies. I am sure there was more I am forgetting not that I will get justice for what Ray and his friends did because I have SAPD coming to my home at this time trying to take me by force. It's not as if I can call them and report the crime if they even show up at all they will then take me by force.
Then next day when I was sitting in my home with no food and no electricity hoping something would give to break this nightmare, a man came walking right into my home. A older thin man with grey hair riding a bicycle. He was wearing my dog tags and a US Army Lanyard that was attached to one of my bags that was stolen from my home. He claimed he had saw a woman and man breaking into my home taking things yet he is wearing my things. If that didn't make it obvious enough I saw ray's car stop at the rail road tracks and this man jumped out. He then went to the east side of my home and collected his bike, walked the length of my porch right into my front door I sat at the table and watched all this nonsense. This man said a lot of stupid things like he got a plate number of the young couple that did it, then he said I did FBI work for you with a very sarcastic tone. You see I still believed that this time that the FBI was in the middle of an investigation and they were going to come save me from all this SAPD nightmare, these were only some of the lies I was being told by the SAPD officers involved in all this. This thin thief of a man knew these lies he knew I was deceived into believing that there were agents watching everything. That meant that Frank Castro Jr. and my ex Gregory Marshall Jr. also knew I was being lied to and clearly were in on it.
When I told Christopher I had been robbed on my birthday he was completely awe struck he had no idea it had been taking place. I couldn't understand why he wouldn't know he knew everything that was happening to this point he knew more than I knew about my own life and situation. I started to wonder if when Christopher had argued with SGT. Gilliam on July 11th that I needed to be given food because I was starving to death after going 12 days without food, and then he argued with him again on July 15th that I needed to be pulled from home because I had lost my power on July 13th; I wondered if SGT. Gilliam pulled Christopher from this case(or nightmare), because he argued with him? See SGT Gilliam told everyone involved that I would be pulled to safety but now I am not safe and have no food or electricity, my home is being circled by SAPD and members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and now I have people breaking in and stealing my belongings so I can't sell any of it for monies to leave and run and hide.

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