It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sept. 18th

Late in the evening when I was walking to ingram area I was offered a ride. As usual. A man named Jesse (possibly a stage name), he was unabe to properly operate his GPS and shut it down after I got into the vehicle and it was so special that it was GPSing him directly to my location, so sweet. He was driving a royal blue auto 2 door, plate number HLT 4527.
Jesse asked me if I date for money and he had expressed his opinion that I may be in need of money if I don't have a job. It's true as hard as I try at that point in time I have been unable to get a fruitful employment opportunity do to the efforts of the members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and I lost my job because of SAPD and all that had been done to me when they covering the crimes of their officers; but how did Jesse know all this?
When I asked Jesse to elaborate on this dating thing he said you know, "Sex for money", "you need the money right". Well thanks for the offer Jesse but I would just as soon starve to death thanks anyway. Then he dropped me at the corner of Ingram and Callaghan and told me his wife was at the store kiddie corner from that location and he didn't want her to see me in his auto. What the heck is this man doing soliciting me for sex when he is married and she is so close by too? In my opinion this is very sick behavior. Not just a infraction of the law but much more sick than that.

Some time back in August I think there was a young man that did all of the same things listed above he said that his name was Eric that was a fake name and he gave a fake number as well. I have had the pleasure of recently working with this young man his name is Mateo and he works at the Fresh warehouse owned by the HEB corporation, I'll be listing the rest of his information very soon. A white souped up car similar to a Z24 but certainly not that make.

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