It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 31, 2017

August 4th 2017

I arrived in San Antonio via the Tornado Bus Company there were two pick ups waiting for me, lucky me i grabbed the VIA heading to medical center and I did not have to contend with those pick up dwellers. I realized I was never going to make it to FBI before C.O.B. so I got off the bus I ended up settling at a burger king. Some small man with large glasses was following me into the Burger King taking pictures and sending enormous texts. I sat down with a drink and burger and he sat at the table next to me facing me. Well there's nothing obvious about that at all "have you thought of being PI?" DON'T. So here we have another scout, I bet this little opportunity he was presented with made him feel special and gave that ego a boost isn't that sweet?  I stepped outside to smoke after I thought the scout left. When I was outside I watched the scout walk across the parking lot and then a pick up pulled in White with gold trim along bottom. I believe this one is the 0902, he was putting his work clothes into the back of the extended cab of the truck. I looked over as i was going back into the restaurant he held his hands up like where are you going why aren't you jumping into my truck. I ignored him and went into Burger King. Apparently that standing there like he is hurt works with other women, really? He left with no fuss and muss thank god after the whole Kevin Miller thing I can't handle much more. I finished at the restaurant and walk to Goodwill to get work clothes I have decided to go get my waitressing job back, when it came to doing it the members of SAFC did a really good job getting in my way and stopping me. I got what I needed at goodwill and I could tell one of the clerks was taking a special interest in me, you know Frank Castro Jr. I presume? I stepped out and wait at the bus stop. A lady showed up with a black ford with paper plates offering me a bus pass it has ten days or more on it and she only wants 5 dollars what a deal right? NO NOT A DEAL. She is giving it to me and she kept saying see the paper plates I just got this car see? I never questioned the vitality of your claims my dear why are you going above and beyond to give me information I never asked for; why indeed it took me a day at least to figure out I had just been sold a tracked and traced bus pass. Well hell if you can't beat them join them lets play boys you don't even know what your in for.
So I take the bus downtown  I go to the original Mexican restaurant and the manager i need to speak with is not there, I decide to sit in my usual spot and figure out my next step and perhaps I should have sat longer because I decided to hell at Dech opposite LOL well gee I feel better gotta get that stuff out don't you know I defiantly will have to contend with the guilt he didn't do this to me it was Gilliam and he was lied to by Gilliam probably more so than I.  So when I am done with my yelling fit I get on the 100 bus and the eyes that are always on me see that. They then access cameras and contact the driver. The driver is Benny Belardo 3507 rock creek run S.A. 78254. 210-277-9931. He was instructed to offer me a night out and a place to stay for the night. I am in a desperate situation and I am easy to prey on. But wait I am never completely down unless I have quit breathing remember that, hee hee. Benny told me that him and his wife are legally separated and when I look around his house I DO NOT believe him. I am also wondering how it is a bus drive can afford this house. I look around "hey Benny what's this NSA thingy over here". Oh that's my wife's interesting. Benny starts acting period wait check to see if the neighbors are outside before you go out there. OIC so you and wife are legally separated? He drives to his bank to pull out money and give me it's fine with me I know he will be reimbursed and paid later like all the others, (his wife will be given that detail later). Benny gives me his bus number and route for that evening, so we can meet up and he is really nervous about how much time I might spend on the bus, then he said that the cameras turn off at 6pm and after that I can ride as much as I want. Your nervous about VIA knowing I am around to visit with you oopsie shouldn't have told me that while your being paid by San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign to attack me. Well he isn't like the others I don't think that I will be punched in the face, but verbally and his back stabbing mouth will surely run. He told me to let go of my case, wrong and bad you just pushed a button you didn't want to push. At the core and center of my case is my three beautiful children I will never let them go.
Important tid bit while in Austin there was a minion named Mr. Rice I gave him a list of books to get that I thought he would enjoy one of them was one of my favorites "Behold a pale horse by William Cooper". When I meet up with Benny after his shift ends, I never really got on his bus I was on his friends bus and his friend John texted him I was waiting at the whataburger. So he has a party to go to for his sister's birthday he actually wanted me to go in are you mad? Sometimes you have to help these men with common sense "No Benny I am getting in your back seat and sleeping you go to the party". So he is there about 2 and half hours, then he tells me I can sit up as we leave. OMG yep all heads turned and how will you explain that to your wife? I think he wants to be caught why else would he pull a stunt like that LORD! So when we back to his house we have a real good intellectual conversation and he pulls out the book and he kept saying the book the book...what? Amazing he has one of my most favorite books and what else is amazing is that it looks like it has never been opened crisp and new. Mine has related newspaper articles and sticky notes and highlighting but then again I am unique. OK so why are my nemesis going to such great lengths to get me to fall for one of these minions I don't get it. I borrowed his phone and I pulled dech into it. When Benny sees what I have done he starts talking dumb in front of the phone making like we had, had sex and no we did not but he did try and he got no and i went to the sofa. All these men try to get at me while I am sleeping this is obviously a block of instruction not from my ex-husband because he never had enough energy or thought to do such a thing. Ok anyway got through the night without incident and have decided that they are trying to get me to fall for one of these men to get me to forget about Dech or break some sort of bond that's strange what do they have to gain to get us..........Oh they want to destroy every bit of happiness and joy I find in life because they are dumb enough to think that they can make me suicidal LIGHTBULB  I have told you all before and I am gonna tell you again you can not hurt me you can not cause a nervous break down you can not cause such a severe depression that I will give up it won't work. Why won't it work class? Because you people do not matter in my world your opinion or your very existence, you can do what you will and it won't take me down in the least there's only one man that can hurt me and you so are not him. OK they don't get it never mind, so unteachable.
He went to bank again and he gave me two pieces of electronics. Like I don't know what the underlining agenda of these electronics is. OK I'll play dumb wow benny thank you HA. This time Benny covered his tracks better he pulled his truck into the garage and made me lay down in the back. During one of our conversations Benny disclosed something useful, he said it was the hair apparently my enemies are using me hair as an identifying feature. I cut it off and thought I would be more able to blend in with the wood work guess I was mistaken.
So I think it was Monday night that I took the electronics and a letter to his wife. Now try to understand this when I was cheated on for so many years in my marriage while I was sitting in my extreme pain I kept saying why didn't anyone tell me? Well I am not going to be the source of someone else's pain that is the worst hurt a person can endure. I am telling her because if he is going to compromise the vows of his marriage as a favor to a SAPD or San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign  person than he will surly do it down the road later for other reasons. And I know full well that man wasn't even attracted to me. He likes curves and meat I guess you would say I would say fat. I stand next to a woman like that and I look like a ten year old boy...I can't help it....
OK Monday night I delivered the envelope with the letter of explanation and the electronic I sure the heck don't want. When I was walking to Benny's I was followed Dark Greg Mazda CJN 6405. Well while I still have these electronics in my hands why don't I play around I started gripping and moaning about dech then I start saying I am gonna grab the bull by the horns and I am gonna go tell my Decho off....hook....line....sinker...... they went speeding by me when I went to Benny's house and the Mazda sped past me and turned around and did it again, (actually he didn't know it was a dead end). Then the Mazda went speeding down Wurzbach towards Dech's general direction.


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