It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, September 14, 2017

August 1st previously submitted to WACO FBI and Concepcion Gonzales now posting

I made my way to Waco from Temple Texas. I walked because everytime I used a bus to travel SAPD and my ex-husband would track me, some how don't know how. I got rid of all my electronics and I walked. It didn't work I was followed by two off duty SAPD officers.  I stopped at a 7-11 at 0100 on my way two miles south of Buckey's there was a Pick-up truck there and the man behind the wheel asked about the Texas Inn and asked if I knew where it was. I informed him that he had just passed it and he would have to back track to get to it. He was Latino, his arms were covered in tattoos almost completely covered, he had a black cowboy hat sitting on his dash, he was thin, he appeared to be my height or less, he had short hair like a crew cut, he was stern serious(later I would see it as a chip on his shoulder), the pick-up he drove was exactly like 0902 very similar.(late I would find this is one of my predators).
When I reached Buckey's at 0230 and there was a Temple Police Officer in the parking lot and I sat down watching him watching me. I walked across the high way and sat at the shell station that had a Wendy's in it I stayed there 4 hours waiting for that Officer's shift to end and of course I dosed off. 0600 I went back on road walking directly on high way it was not the safest route but construction left me no choice.
At approximately 1100 while I was walking someone stopped and offered me a ride. His name was Jermaine Garza I knew that he was associated with the SAFC because of some of the things he was saying and he kept telling me there was no service on his phone. I know full well you don't have to have service to have people listening on the other side. He asked me the craziest sexual thing I have ever done. He drove me off the high way and into the middle of no where he asked for sexual favors I refused even though I thought he might leave me in the middle of no where. He drove me back to the high way when I insisted and later I would discover that he had put some old Samsung phone into my bag and from my experience in this situation I know he did this to track me.
A man in a brand new passenger van approached me and asked if I needed a ride when I said "Yes I would appreciate that", he drove off.
Two hours later down the road there was a pick-up and a trailer attacked that pulled over on the side of the road. When I was walking pass he asked if I would like a ride I accepted. He said his name was Nick and he owned a roofing company. When I was getting in Nicks Duse in a half he was cleaning off his bench seat throwing everything in the back, I found this to be strange. He told me scoot over the seat next to him, I informed the young man this is not 1977 and I am not his girlfriend. He said he does jobs in San Antonio all time and he had six employees in San Antonio at that moment doing a SA job. It was obvious he too is associated with SAFC. Nick asked me for a blow job in exchange for the ride into Waco and he assured me if I gave him a blow job he would drive me all the way into Waco. I told it wouldn't be happening and he kept asking. When we reached the corner of Old larena Rd. and Woodway Dr.; Nick told me I had to get out there because he didn't get his blow job. As I got out of the truck I told Nick to tell Frank Castro Jr. and my ex-husband HELLO.
An hour later as I walked Woodway dr into Waco a white SUV pulled over on the other side of the road. This is a five lane high way like road and I am on the opposite side of the road walking against the traffic so the fools in the SUV can't solicit me like all the rest.
I am almost into Waco, Nick did me a favor by putting me on this road it gave a straight shot. I have been walking for 14 hours or so and the only people that stopped and offered assistance are those individuals who were paid to do so.
I was pursued by police officers the moment I walked into Woodway. They circled me and they followed me making sure to make themselves obvious. I tried to make it to FBI before COB but I had stopped and rested at HEB and it was tough to get myself going again. It was 92 degrees but to me it felt like a 100. My feet were sore but thank god Mike Luscier gave me a pair of shoes he said his daughter no longer wears or i would have wounds that would be unthinkable to imagine.
I kept walking trying to talk to myself and keep myself going repeating the address over and over again thoughts become things over and over. Three miles from my destination I had to stop or I was sure I would fall out. I stopped at the best western I walked through into their common area and found a hiding place to lay down. I was well aware my predators were close at hand following and watching me and what they did following my rest made they're inhumane ruthlessness clear to see.
The audit working the desk received a call that there was someone not a guest in the common area and she began looking all about for me.
                                    Best Western
                                  6808 Woodway Dr. Woodway Tx.  76712 254-772-2227
I went to the desk and asked the audit to help me confirm the address of the FBI and asked her to help me determine if there were a transit system that went close by. When we were looking through her computer for the information the computer began to lock up and freeze. It took me a minute to understand what was happening-my pursuers were locking the computer they have already done this several times when I was searched for FBI locations across the state. I left told her never mind it wasn't going to work. I sat down outside and it was now that I discovered the cell phone in my bag, i knew I shoved all my electronics in a storage unit, I had remembered seeing it on the seat of the little Garza and knew he put it in my bag.
I saw a theater I thought I could go back to it and watch a movie in an effort to rest. When I saw two familiar pick-up trucks following me I decided not to go into a dark theater and make their kill shot any easier.
I walked over to the Marriott, 200 Colonnade PKWY Woodway Texas 254-732-7979 at approx. 1800 and sat down at their pavilion to rest and change my shoes and eat. It was only a matter of minutes before the night audit purposelly moved her car over to the pavilion and I knew she had received a call that I was sitting there and shouldn't be. I got up and walked looking for a place to simply hide and rest. I was fearful that if couldn't break my will and my spirit they would have to resort to more forceful methods. I wondered how long it would take of me continuing to pursue my goals that their spirits would be broken and their egos shattered, at which time they would simply pull their weapons out and end me. Surely anyone willing and capable of doing all the things these men have done surely they will simply pull the trigger there is no Moral compass stopping them.
When I walked across Woodway Dr. to walk the other side of the road there was an local Officer that circled me three times. He got on the express ramp went up to the next exit and circled back exiting where I was walking and did this three times. Finally I found a place to sit at the Chevron they had tables and strange gambling machines Waco is a bit like South Dakota.
                                          Chevron/Wholesale Kikes
                                          7325 Woodway Dr.
                                         Woodway Texas 76712      254-741-6034
I stayed here about two hours. His closing time was nine and I planned on staying until close but a lot happened. The owners' name is Sam and he was very nice I was going to ask him if he had a back door out but soon I would find that would be a fruitless venture. Sam started receiving a lot of text messages and when I would go outside he would follow me and watch me and send a whole lot of text messages. At about 1945 hours the two off duty police officers came into the store scared the hell out of me. They didn't stay long, long enough to get themselves caught on surveillance cameras both inside the store and at the pumps. Not only that I am sure Sam has the same number as that day. I left at about 2040 Sam clearly wanted me to take my drama else where what a burden. I left the planted phone at Sam's establishment and it is either in the lost and found or Sam threw it away. There was three pursuers added at this time a small black car with a woman with long brown hair, a green kia soul, a white camera, and a small white 4 door car just like the one Ramon Vasquez junior drives.
I walked down Old McGregor Rd. toward the hospital and as i was walking I heard the same bird calling noise that I heard when I was locked in my house and at that time I saw the little white car and the white pick-up. So Officer Bird Caller was in one of these.
I sat at Providence ER and slept a little and played with the kids that were waiting for their mom. Bird Caller was outside I could hear him every-time I stepped outside the ER. There were four sheriffs there for many hours, however that could be normal for that hospital for all I know. I stayed as long as I could and at 0445 I began walking towards FBI once again and of course followed by local law enforcement.

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