It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, September 14, 2017

July 25th Minion the day I was evicted from home THANKS SGT Gilliam

Chuck (Charles) Anderson @ Intown Suits San Pedro 6923 San Pedro
            210-344-1691 room 110
This room is in the name of Dana Anderson 9801 McCulloughave
Works at Groomers Seafood of San Antonio

Chuck shared with me that he has direct contact with Chief McManus on Tuesdays and Thursdays those are the days that the Chief goes to Groomers for his seafood.
Chuck has made it abundantly clear his objective is to keep me from going to the FBI. When I said I was going to the Austin FBI he said he could put me with one of the trucks leaving groomers that go to Austin. He said I would have to wait a week and of course I wasn't going to wait no week. I knew full well this little plan wasn't legal and I knew the only reason I was here is because the SAFC was paying Chuck to attempt to distract me. Later I would learn that they also instructed him to get me to use his wide array of illegal drugs. Because I was sitting next to him when he was smoking this junk it showed up in my body in Austin while in the ER.

I gave the information to Concepcion Gonzales SAPD victim advocate. She then passed it on to the Chief's Office. They sure did do what needed to be done to help the Chief and they did nothing to help me the victim left on the streets to defend herself and fight for survival.

After I returned from Austin I saw Chuck Anderson again and he let the cat out of the bag that SAFC paid him a 150.00 the first time and they paid 500.00 the second. Chuck had to take a day off work to keep me from going into the SA FBI Headquarters as I was instructed to do by Agent Mike, he did his job and kept me from going but I would eventually get it done.

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