It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

July 27th South Austin Medical Center

I was in Austin for about 9 hours when I opted to go to the emergency room with signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion. Another mistake I sat into Austin last thinking that there was a VA Medical Center in this states capitol and nope there isn't just a walk in clinic I waited 3 hours outside for this place to open and come to find out they didn't have what I needed and you no longer can jump from one VA to another and be seen you have to register at each that is a good thing to learn because unannounced at this moment I will actually be beating feet all over Texas and I will also learn my enemies don't actually know this fact good!!
When I arrived in Austin last night via bus there was a Taxi Cab that just so happen to be passing at that moment it would take me a couple of days at least to realize this is nothing more than a minion. So he said he's going to give me a ride and I don't have to worry about payment, it's odd but I have done it at least a couple of times when I was driving cab. I am so happy and excited to be in Austin I no longer have people following me all over the place taking pictures and having people coming to attack me and violate my body with their hands saying stupid things and breaking in my home. Another wonderful thing about Austin there is no Flores with a loaded weapon how grand is that? Well this joy isn't gonna last long. This taxi driver is pretty nice and full of knowledge and nice too. I inform him I use to drive taxi and am interested in getting back behind the wheel again then I got the bad news Uber is back in Austin again guess not gonna move to Austin(most especially after I look around Austin, scary), this taxi driver is driving me around sort of site seeing and he took me with him on two of his fares. The red flag; he kept telling me over and over again that he gives free rides all the time. He started listing off examples and he was telling me about a couple women he gave free rides and then went and played pool with them. He didn't ask me to go have a drink or to go play pool so what was the purpose of this story? Listen close. We talked about uber hurting them and he took a vacation when uber was gone and now he wishes he would've been working. Now Mr. Taxi is right back on the free ride subject again see her I would give her a free ride. WOW so he knows I need to go to the VA and he knows where it is. He takes me down 7th street and shows me the shelter, this is scary we are only here for a minute I see drug deals, knives, guns, fist fighting, yelling and screaming, and they are in the streets punching cars and some of these cars are tourist. This man says I am dropping you off here. WHAT? No your not I won't last 30 minutes these people will chew me up and spit me out I don't know drugs or their special street language I don't have any weapons and after Gilliam starved me three times I probably can't even physically protect myself. He has a fare to go get and it just happens to be two miles from the VA i tell him I will just go as far as I can with him. When he was attempting to drop me in Hell it just happened to be further from the VA than the bus stop, RED FLAG. Gee I wonder who would set me up for death like that?
So I get dropped off and walk 2 and half miles to the VA and wait for it to open, unfortunately it was hours before opening. My feet are now tore up with hematomas and blisters. The pain is OK because my Babies are worth it and I am very determined to get the help I need to get reunited with my babies and get justice for those who were trying to kill me. I have no idea what I'm in for and lucky to it would've been hard to keep going if I knew. So I keep lying to myself that I am gonna get justice and my babies and my white picked fence that was taken from me so long ago.
I decide I have to go to the ER in a real emergency room to get the help I need. I get EMS to come and then I go to the ER. While at the ER I tell them my story (yep dumb), and these ladies are nice at first until about an hour and half into this non sense and I watch the PA get a phone call sitting at the Nurses Station my gut said it was about me. Yep it is was in no time at all she was in my room ripping the covers off my pulling the catheter IV out of my arm telling me they need a urinalysis. Gee think that call so about me? The social worker came in and said oh we are just checking for a bladder infection. Does she walking around insulting peoples intelligence I was a nurse for 16 years I know what their looking for and I know why too my enemies just called and told them I use drugs and or I have prescriptions for a large amount of meds you know the usual lies. I am now wondering if I really want to go back to nursing when they act like this and get away with it, can you say bed side manner? So I pee in a cup and they say I have marijuana in my urine well that's funny I don't do drugs so how did that happen? Let's see what did I do? I stayed at Minion Chuck Anderson I accepted food and I sat across from him when he smoked his drugs and it was a variety too. I really didn't think it would effect me if I was just sitting there, I learned later that it does effect the body being in the same room you can bet my enemies knew that...So other than that crap I got a perfect bill of health. Darn it I wanted to show the world what Gilliam did to my body...just joking. So now they are moving me into behavioral health ......I don't have time stupid games I have to get to the FBI well now that I say that out load we know why they got the phone call and why I am being detained. I was held in behavioral health for hours and I am not happy. Oh Well. So they say I am there because they are concerned that I went so long without eating. I have been in this hospital for 9 hours and I haven't had so much as a saltine cracker how deep do you think their concern goes? They take pictures of my feet and all the lesions and blisters and blood. That's right they take pictures they did not clean or dress the wounds they left them like they were ....infection? What do I think I am in a hospital where things are suppose to be tended to?  What was I thinking? I dressed my own wounds. Apparently I am crazy because I have wounds on my feet, George Washington all your soldiers crazy, currently soldiers breaking in there combat boots crazy, all you model wanna bees who had to have those stilettosCRAZY TOO.  OK decision made I am not going back to the medical field NOT

 Finally they follow proper procedure and call in two officers so they can forceably commit me Gilliam is that you? How sweet? Guess what buddy I have a list of things I like about Austin and one big one is the police officers that refuse to violate their OATH and the policies and procedures of their jobs SAY YES AUSTIN PD awesome you are. 
So I leave the hospital and the story goes on.......

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