It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, September 7, 2017

SAPD starves victim and then stuff their faces in front of victim

here we see SAPD officers filling their faces during travis park statue removal. Of course they have to eat but victims who are stalked and harassed and made homeless by SAPD they don't have to eat and said victim sat hungry watching them eat did they offer food to the woman whom had a SAPD officer climbing in her windows of her home trying to kill her. No of course not protect and serve they protect and serve themselves and cover the crimes of their comrades. When I attempted to eat at a food bank on Sept 7th members of SAPD called the food bank and told them to turn me away how sick is that, that is the sickness you get with your tax dollars hard at work. 
Christian Student Center 301 W. Dewey Place

on flyer given out does not list students only

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