It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Waco Texas VA Police department

I arrived on base in Waco Texas to utilize the VA Medical Center on Ausgust 2nd as I was walking there I saw the white pick up that followed me from San Antonio. He arrived at the base before I did, of course I am walking and he is driving. When I arrived at the front gate he was pulling out of the gate off the base. I rested on a bench behind the main building for a while then I went to the VA Police department to file a informational report that the white pick up truck that had been following me everywhere. I got the feeling that they know I am coming they call in all the Officers and before I know it I am surrounded by 5 VA Police Officers.
These police officers barely listened to my story and when I asked if I could please file an informational report about the white pick up and the description of the man I interacted with in the pick-up, they flatly refused saying "There will be no reports written for you today". They began to say things like are a veteran? Why would I be on this base if I am not a veteran? They knew I am because they had received a call about me and that quickly became clear. They asked me if I had a doctor and a home. They suggested that I get a social worker. I was here strictly to see the chaplain and find legal services and of course I thought the VA Police would help me with my pursuers as well but of course not.
At one point a higher ranking Officer said our objective is get them to stop following you. Really? then wouldn't the first step be to allow me the privilege to file an informational report? They then said they were going to contact people to help me with housing and food but they did no such thing the truth is they wanted me out of there as quickly as possible.
Then these Officers had the audacity to call me mentally ill and demand I see a social worker. REALLY Sir is that based on talking to me for a whole five minutes or is that based on Officer Bird Caller calling you and saying I am insane. Of course I can not jump from VA to VA for care which I already learned the hard way earlier this week, so they couldn't have me evaluated or committed as per the instructions they received.
I sat on bench nearly the front gate after this dreadful experience and many of these officers stayed close by as if I were dangerous and needed watching.  I watched an Officer who parked his vehicle directly across from me talking on the phone. He was laughing, "Yea we talked to her, we told her she couldn't file a report". "We told her she was nuts and needed a social worker". These are VA Police they are supose to be focused on up holding the law and helping veterans but what they are doing is helping some sick SAPD Officers who calling them from San Antonio well out of their jurisdiction. This is exactly the thing Agent Mike was so very angry about.
I guess these Officers didn't have enough sense to see the insult. Obviously most of these Officers have been Officers for quite some time they are trained and experienced and if someone is mentally unstable you would think that would fall into their training and experience to be able to determine this on their own. They simply to the word of the caller without seeing for themselves and because they chose not to use their common sense and take their positions seriously it will catch up with them and do damage to their careers. The person calling them clearly had no respect or faith in their abilities to determine the mental stability of the person they were dealing with and obviously these men were very easily manipulated by the liars calling them, men or mice?

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