It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

July 31st police departments instructed to give me a hard time and lied to about my mental wellness.

I was headed to Temple Texas and the SAFC and the SAPD officers helping them had been informed I was going to the VA Medical center in Temple Texas and as I was headed there Christopher tried to tell me not to go because he knew what both his comrades and my ex-husband were scheming and no just scheming but they had made several phone calls to the VA Medical center and asked employees to do things that were illegal and amoral. This reminds me I forgot to followed up with their chain of command. When Christopher warned me it was too late I was already there and what he didn't know is that I had no intention of seeing a PCP or going to the legal department like I said I was going to. Never let your enemy know what your really doing. Because I can't search anything on the intranet I was unable to see that Temple doesn't have a FBI field office and I was about to find out the hard way. I was asking staff about my way around asked if there was a back gate off the base. I made the mistake of talking about trying to sneak around without my ex-husband becoming aware of the where abuts and my intentions, right in front of one of the many employees who had been directed to follow me and watch me. So I got directions to the back gate off the base and that employee immediately pulled out his phone and I knew exactly what he was doing being that I have been doing this for so long. Oh well I made my way anyway. I stopped at a store outside the gate a ways Mungi's Grocery Store 704 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. I ask the owner if he can help me find the nearest FBI I was still assuming that there was one in Temple I was wrong. He looked in his phone and found that the nearest was WACO Texas and mysteriously it says it's closed and it's Monday and it shouldn't be closed. I am mad at myself I should have stayed in Austin. I make my way back on base and I asked a female officer if she can look it up for me and her phone says closed too. Strange right? Not if you know what I know. So this highly proficient and pretty police officer calls and she says nope they are open until 5pm and that's all week. Of course I don't know how I am gonna make there today before COB but I sure am gonna try. I find out there are shuttles and it only takes 40 minutes. Now I already learned we can't jump from VA to VA like the olden days so I go to register. I can't I don't have enough red tape on my person. Well everything happens for a reason so I go upstairs to sit in the waiting room where perhaps there's no employees following me. No such luck I am starred at and watched closely while upstairs. So I pray and then go outside seeing if a ride falls in my lap. And wouldn't you know it it fell in my lap thank you god.
This fellow vet goes to his barracks and is coming back to get me so he can drive me to the FBI. While he is gone a long time someone (?), told him not help me and told him he shouldn't get involved and they even went so far as to tell him he may loose his spot in the barracks. So much for that ride.
I am sitting outside in the gazebo and I notice there are two police officers acting strange. One parked as close as possible and just sat there starring. So I decide to test what I think is going on and I take a walk on the base and behold what do I see the other officer is driving a whole one mile per hour following me as I walk. Thank You Gilliam this is so much fun, these officers are suppose to help veterans I am being stalked, harassed, terrorized, and Flores and my ex-husband just got done trying to kill me and look how my fellow veterans are treating me! I need help and now I can't to these VA Police for the help I need I haven't done anything wrong I haven't broken any laws. I will find this week that I can not go to any VA Police from Austin to Waco and I will try to get help from all too. It's clear I'm on my own.
I had a special way of communicating with Dech I would type in his facebook into google and he would know it was me he tried to stop me from doing this because my enemy could see it too. But what he didn't understand is I had to do it because that was how I saw if they were still following me after only five minutes of typing it in they would show up and do circles around me especially Officer Bird Caller.

I was in Temple and it was late at night I made my way to I-Hop off I-35 and I used a employee to type in the usual Chris Dech Medi and less than ten minutes later there is a police officer slowly very slowly driving in the parking lot of I-HOP breaking his neck to find someone fitting my discription. That's a civilian police officer, No VA and No Civilian police I sure hope I don't get mugged!!!

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