It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sept 9th Francisco

Another Minion sent at me Francisco driving a dark grey Nissan partial plate H--9038. Said he was going to give a ride to the gym and then asked if I wanted to accompany him to the park for conversation. He bought some drinks before going to the park. I got a red bull. It's obvious that something was added to my red bull because the last thing I remember was being in the park talking with Francisco; whom was kind enough to share with me that he knew Frank Castro Jr. and I certainly am well versed in Frank paying these men to come at me and solicit me for sex. You can bet that none of these men will ever be held accountable for their crimes because SAFC is working directly with SAPD.
Anyway I was in the park talking with this minion and the next thing I know I am laying on the grass at Alamo Golf which I believe is on Roosevelt st.  It was one in the morning. I am lucky to be alive. I don't what was added to my drink to cause me to loose time like this and I don't know what was done to me while I was incapacitated. I wish I could go report the crime but as I said before SAPD is helping Frank in his devours to attack me. Each of these minions are paid to do this, some are paid 150.00 and some are paid much more so Frank where is that money from would it be grant monies from the SAFC grants, wait until the grantors find out what you are doing with the monies they are giving you.
From where I am sitting it looks as if Frank got frustrated that I would not sleep with the men that he was sending at me on my own concurrence so he incapacitated me to force the act.  I don't know what the objective is with all this but I am guessing that SAPD wants to give a prostitution ticket in an effort to cover their own buts.
I am not putting up with crime it is horrible the lengths the San Antonio Fatherhood will go to attacking mothers and I don't think I am the only one they have done this to, I will be the one to stop them.

Francisco attends school here 


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