It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Oct. 1st

As I suspected would happen my Texas benefits were shut down and I will not be able to get food I am no stranger to starving at the hands SAPD and San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign. The cashier at the HEB told me the card reader said the transaction was declined and she is not accustomed to to seeing this message with snap card she sees other messages like insufficient funds or contact card distributor but it was clear the transaction was being stopped like it was on Sept. 15th 3 days after I received the card. San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and SAPD have made it clear they will not holding back on manipulating computer system of all sorts.
When using my gym membership for the month of september it said 0 balance and I was good to go I had several different employees check it for me in a two week pried. On Sept 28th a 70 dollar bill showed up out of the blue and my billing cycle is not until the 14th of each month. Of course I will be informing the corporate office on Monday morning and due to this manipulation of the system and the employee at that location who was helping with the harassment now not only do I have a legal case against both these organizations LA Fitness also has a strong legal case against them also.
Yesterday after cashing a pay role check I attempted to use my debt card so I could use the card to purchase fare to leave town and I received the same error message transaction stopped. I won't able to use my bank account until I visit the bank on Monday and even then there is no guarantee that I will be able to use it due to the hacking of San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign  and a select few SAPD officers.
I was followed by several SAPD, Park Police, and Transit Police officers while I was attempting to run errands and get things done from one bus to another, I'll add details descriptions and locations later today.
I left the tablet that was being used to trace me at the gym and then headed downtown, from there I headed to the Ingram area and several minions were able to follow me starting 0300 I was followed honked at and approached by more than 16 minions and this count could be off a bit if their were a few that were smart enough to NOT rubber neck in my direction. I was approach by three different men to allow them to give a ride. At 0530 there was a white car 4 doors that was following me and honking they knew exactly where I was heading and the young lady driving became very angry when I did not turn down the road she felt i should go down to get to my destination. The three people in this vehicle were hostile and had zero emotional intelligence. They appeared to be very angry and I thought they were going to stop more than once and attempt to physically fight. Three against one is exactly the style of San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign. I was unable to get their plate number but it had a paper plate and if I had to guess I would say that plate did not belong to the auto anyway. They were on Bandera from 0530 to 0730 Oct. 1st pacing back and forth as I walked to the Walmart on Bandera and Woodlawn. They seemed very interest in making sure that I was at my friends apartment waiting for her, and I am going to guess they contacted management or some such thing in an attempt to ruin the help my friend was offering and that is just another reason to leave this city and the sick people here I will be back after I get this info to Washington but it simply is not safe here.
Also on Bandera at 0715 their was a SAPD Officer driving approximately 70 mph just pass the Walmart, I thought Officer were suppose to obey traffic laws unless they were in pursuit? Well not here in San Antonio right? after all this is the city that all citizens should rip up their constitution because they will be allowed to use it to protect themselves from the law and city council.
I have been collecting stories of other victims who have been victimized in this city and stripped of everything like I and coincidently the criminals are rewarded just as they are in my case.
The minion I am currently dealing with is keeping me from working which they all do that, but this one is going a step further telling me that when two vets get married we get more benefits. No we do not, active duty soldiers get more benefits and that is called a contract marriage that is against the law. Married? What sense does that make why would I do something so stupid? What is the objective of  San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign to instruct this young to try to get me to marry him? If that isn't bad enough he is trying to go to Houston with me and he is holding my belongings unless I agree.

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