It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


The truancy officer is stone oak after the CPS investigation removed Greg from our home is my personnel proof there truly are good police officers with solid moral compasses when I was advised by the CPS agents to go to Michigan where my family and friends were he was there at my home seeing us off and meeting my father. He told me that he was happy that I had made this decision because he could see the enormous weight on me in the past four months that it had started and how the weight of all that was happening was wearing on me. It truly was I was up all night almost every night watching to see if Greg was driving by the house and he was a lot. All my neighbors could see me sitting in a chair placed by the front window waiting and watching and the extreme sleep deprivation was not helping me to hold it altogether. I felt I had no choice my ex-husband was calling daily telling me that he was going to the school and taking the kids and I would never see them again and then he would drive past our house taunting me. I kept the kids out of school too many times in fear of their safety and weather I wouldn't see them again(and look where i sit now 3 and 1/2 years without my babies), I was in constant communication with our truancy officer and I made sure he knew everything day to day and he had the CPS investigation information in his hand. He worked with me and we developed a plan with children's' safety in mind. The truancy Officer was one of 47 that was at my Stone Oak home seeing us off to Texas wonderful neighborhood. In the court orders that Tamer Morsi wrote you will see him accusing me of absconding from Texas with children. I may need to return to school but when 47 people know your going and are there saying good bye wish you could stay, is that absconding? 

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