It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Oct 8th and 9th at 2400 hours

I arrived at the whataburger on cypress at 2400 hours I intended on buying a coffee and sitting a spell. The moment I walked into the door I heard someone screaming HEY can I talk to you I said no yu can not, then I made a bee line for the bathroom to avoid the loud combative officer whom I filed a complaint against just last month and he has no business trying to talk to me after everything he had already done. I got done in the bathroom and walked out and this officer had his phone pointed in my direction yelling I said I want to talk to you...I informed him I would be filing yet another IA complaint in the morning, then I walked out the door of course although I did want a coffee I surely did not want to be subjected to the loud harassment of this officer. He chased me out of the Whataburger as I walked down the sidewalk to leave when he caught up to me I was already off the whataburger property standing on the cypress sidewalk. He informed me that he requested to talk to me and I said yes and I said I did not want to talk to you and you chased me. Then he informed me he is an officer of the law and he can request to talk to anyone he wants. I am pretty sure according to my civil rights I can refuse to talk to him most especially considering we have a history and I was forced to file a complaint against him previously. He was still holding his cell phone in my face informing me that he is recording the conversation and he will be giving it to his supervisor because you went to my supervisor and I am going to show him you are wrong. I am wrong? Because I walked into whataburger to purchase a coffee? I informed him twice during this conversation that I was going to purchase a cup of coffee and decided not to when he was screaming at me. Well where is your receipt he said I told him twice I chose not to purchase the coffee and that is on his cell phone recording. I asked him why he wasn't using his co-ban system to record the conversation. He said he is an off duty officer working security at whataburger and he doesn't have the co-ban on. So now it gets confusing first he said he is an on duty officer and bluntly said he can do what he wants. Now he is saying he is an off-duty officer working security he'll change his job title before the conversation ends.
The young man with the officer helping him to chase me and harass me asked me what I know about the co-ban system. I informed him I know all about it unfortunately, that's on the officer's cell phone recording. Anyone want to explain to me why he needed to bring another man to harass a hundred pound woman? Or maybe I am mistaken, maybe he brings his friends to work with him. Maybe but I could swear I heard Officer Garza say be my witness she is bad she is wrong. WOW
Now Officer Garza is telling me I have to give him my ID, I once again repeating to this young man according to law I do not have to give him my ID. He said well I want to know who it is I am harassing. He knows full well who I am he has said twice at this point that I talked to his supervisor and that is the whole reason I am being subjected to this hideous banter. Then this officer swung his arm in front of his body(much like a child who made a ball into a basket), then he said I got you, you are guilty of failure to ID. WHAT? Well I guess he just wasn't listening when I told he by law I do not have to show him my ID most especially considering I did not break any laws.  The funny thing here I never talked to his supervisor at all I talked to several people including the Whataburger corporation but I never talked to this young man's supervisor. This is obvious to anyone with common sense that this officer is partaking in retaliation and that is very much against the law. That is aside from the Official oppression he is guilty of.
Now officer Garza is screaming that I am trespassing and I need to go because I don't have a receipt for any purchases. Please not I am already well off the property on the sidewalk owned by the city and not by whataburger. Then he steps towards me into my personnel space I put my hand up and said keep a safe distance and he ignored me he stood on the sidewalk two inchs from my body. Clearly he did not feel that he was successfully intimidating me and getting control and he decided to physically take control and attempt to intimidate me. Then he is screaming that he is an manager of whataburger and that is what they hired him to do manage. He tells me that I am no longer to enter this property and I am no longer allowed to make purchases here because he says so and he has the right to do that. WOW. I tried to tell this officer that I have been at this establishment many times when he was not here purchasing coffee and other items and I never had any problems. Of course before I could finish this statement he cut me off. If he is working security or a manager then why is he leaving the property to get into my personnel space?
As I was walking away from the whataburger the young officer was screaming and get my name right this time you spelled my name wrong last time. I don't remember spelling his name out and I don't care either if it is or is not spelled right I am pretty sure when I get the badge number right that is all that is needed. I did however make a mistake that was much more grievous I thought he was a bexar county sheriff and that would an embarrassment to the sheriff's department.
I was standing on the corner of cypress and San Pedro talking to woman about directions and the officer and his little friend were standing in the parking lot watching me continuing the harassment. So I ask on to all you, who is conducting security in the whataburger when this officer is watching and chasing me opposed to doing his job? Well how pretentious of me to call what this officer is doing is security.

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