It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

a Summary

My name is Dawn Neering and for the past 4 years i have been attacked by the Castro Brothers they do things like sending various law enforcement officers to harass me. I was locked in my home from May 22nd to July 24th because Officer A. Flores was trying to climb in windows and kill me. He is a close personnel friend of Julian Castro. Julian was in constant communication the Chief of Police and made sure the crimes of his friend were covered up. I lost everything my house possessions, auto, ect.. and the man trying to kill me was never brought up on charges and still has his home and paycheck. Congressman Castro sent Texas Ranger Joel Kite to harass me he told the Ranger that I was insane and he wanted to Ranger to make a statement that I was insane, the FBI have been watching all this and much more that the castro brothers are doing to manipulate the system in Texas. I am sorry but neither of these men will ever be president and I am thanking my GOD for that fact. My ex-husband is their close personnel friend and that is why this is happening to my babies and I. The Castro's have put a lot of energy into covering up the fact that my children and I were beaten and abused for ten years it would've been easily proven in a court of law but Julian and his friends held up all the documentation that proved it. He and Frank Castro Jr. called CPS and told them to not give me my documents. When Julian was showed the rape crisis counselor documentation that proved I was being raped during my marriage he ignored it and continued to believe the lies his friend was telling him(my ex-husband Gregory Marshall). Joaquin promised everyone that he could make me go away by causing me to go insane because I love my children deeply and I miss them so much he thought he could cause me a nervous break down, he was wrong. Just last weekend I went to the ER to be seen for a virus and he called the ER trying to tell them I was insane and should be held in their behavioral health unit and he has done this to me several times over the past 5 months and not once has it worked. So the definition of an insane person is what? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results and the mentally unhealthy person is? I will let you be the judge. Can I prove all that I have said? Nope but the FBI sure can.
I am still on the street as we speak with no safe place to go I have officers circling me like their sharks circling their prey. Are you going to lift a finger to help are going to help me? Well I am pretty sure you had your hand in putting me here put I won't announce that loudly until the FBI tells me they have evidence of the part you played in all this. I know for a fact the Mayor's office has done nothing and I know you and your wife are in constant contact with the mayor's staff. I also know that the first time I ever contacted the mayor's office I had screws sunk into my tires and I was chased in the middle of the night so i would be scared into a place of submission and shortly after that your bother called me and told me a truck load of lies with the under lining agenda of manipulating me and attempting to get control. My objective was to save my babies and your objective was to cover crimes of family and friends
Now when contacting the mayor's office begging for help Julian and Erica Castro are telling the mayor's staff to ignore me and do not help me. I have men coming at me 24/7 that are being paid by the Castro brothers and the members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign which includes my ex-husband Gregory J Marshall. Gregory has been lying to the schools and my children telling them their mother doesn't want them he has also been telling the lies that I am mentally insane. The Castro Brothers and their wives are helping him with these lies and manipulating the system. For example and their are many more examples Anna Castro is telling all news reports in San Antonio not to cover my story, most won't even read my story and all of them are snarky and rude. All of these people have played a role in Official Oppression and manipulating the system.

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