It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Minion Maria Ochoa

Minion Maria Ochoa offered me a place to stay for a week and a week is all the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign were paying her for. I worked on her home and I helped with her cleaning company. I was not paid, I filled her kitchen with groceries as a form of payment for staying as if the labor wasn't enough.
She then was instructed to kick me out of her home yesterday and she took all  my belongings and locked them into her home and refused to return them to me.
During this week she was instructed to keep me busy keep me away from a computer and keep me from talking to any attorney's or do any of the things I needed to do to fix my life and she did a smashing job at it and then she was instructed to take me to San Pedro downtown leaving me with no resources and no clothes and no way to fend for myself. There is much more to be told about this minion in time for example what she does while cleaning for her business DCS.
Right now I would like my clothes and other personnel hygiene items however this is a unstable and unreasonable woman like all other members of San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and thank goodness she got payment yesterday for being a snake in the grass lying and stealing and I am not the only person she has done this to and I will not be the last there is a long list and I will be happy to list them.
As I have said before helping a rapist and child abuser makes you one and the same, you will be held accountable for your crimes as others in the past have held you accountable the reason for the police reports on your record and the reason you are afraid to have police officers anywhere near you.
Did the doctors do back ground checks well I guess they should have.
These workers were not paid for the job done she refused to pay them and she either offered them tools in ex-change for payment or they took tools in form of payment and after this happened she walks around claiming to be a victim when in fact she is a victimizer . There is a pattern and a long history of Maria refusing to pay and using people. The tools were not even her property. 

And just like all other endeavors she does not pay proper wages for people who help with her cleaning company she says she will then when it's time for them to be paid she delivers excuses. 
She has a Tahoe sitting in her back yard to men were working on it and they replaced stabilizer bars and when it was time to pay the men for their labor she refused and told them to bring it back.
They brought it back alright and it isn't going to move without a tow truck I really blame the men she treats people like dirt and brings the worst out in people and that is why she fits in so nicely with the san antonio fatherhood campaign 

Her niece wants to become a police officer because she feels so passionately about stopping child abusers. She is going to be very disappointed to find out that her Auntie was paid by a child abuser rapist that helped him attack the mother of his children and the woman he beat on for ten years. Technically Maria helped this man to keep his children away from their mother so he could continue to lie to the children about their mother and he can continue to keep an abusive and unsafe environment for the children. She helped a man who had been removed by CPS from his family home when he was found to be abusive.
She helped a man that is guilty of raping his wife and the crisis counseling documents are listed on this site. The proof is with the CBC counselors when he fully owned it and admitted to it when those counselors tried to make him make amends for it he quit going to church that's who maria helped and I believe her to be no better than him.  


Apparently I am going to jail I wonder what crime I committed? 

What did I do wrong on cameras? am I missing something? what is she talking about? is there something she instructed me as being ok that really wasn't when at opus she told me it was ok to have coffee and soda and suddenly I feel like I was set for failure. Then she went to the contractors office and took snacks and told me that we were free to have snacks and she was taking loads of snacks. So was she setting me up for failure? Did you see any texts that indicated the SAFC were trying to get her to set me up in that manner? All I did wrong what is that? Well I was touching a computer when I was talking to you because the minions were driving through the parking lot

I'm confused didn't she say she called the police and they are looking for me and my picture is posted everywhere and apparently something about cameras and I have apparently done something wrong on cameras. If this is a true statement that means that I was not suppose to be in the building at all. Mopping and emptying garbage cans, sweeping so what penal code infraction are those things?

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