It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, October 12, 2017

October 11th

I am being chased and circled by SAPD officers while they are off duty driving their POVs one of them I recognized as one of the same officers that followed and chased me from San Antonio to Waco Texas. I am guessing because I have been told nothing that these officers are being corrected for the violation of policies and procedures and infractions of the law and now that they are being corrected they have taken it upon themselves to blame me and make the consequences of their actions my fault instead of owning it like grown healthy adults and the chief's office does not have enough sense to pull me to safety maybe the chief thinks he is going to keep this a secret.
So perhaps who ever is doing the investigation that may or may not be happening is telling the officers to leave me alone. Here's a shocker the same men and women who have broken laws and violated policies and procedures are the same men and women who refuse to leave me alone when ordered to do so? WOW what a shocker that is, surprise..surprise gomer pyle I can't believe it. 
And who ever heard of doing an investigation without taking to the witness/victim does this make any sense? Well welcome to San Antonio nothing here is sensible.
I wonder if it is the Chief calling for this misconduct? Then again all that man does is photo shoots and take calls from the Castro brothers who instruct him to cover up crimes for them , if you ever want to talk to the chief then just go find the cameras and that's where you will find him. The three times I have talked to him face to face that's exactly what I did.
Speaking of cameras I recently had a channel 12 reporter tell me that he can not open my blog he can not read any of it. Obviously this is the work of a dirty SAPD officer or many of them making sure this story don't come to light and there's yet another one of your mistakes leaving me out here to fend for myself I will be printing and sending and I will walk into channel 12 headquarters and make sure they get all it you keep doing your bidding with other peoples' networks and the computers of the college it is all tracable and it will come back on the chief ten fold I promise.
When we are all standing in the supreme court and the judge and jury asks SAPD why they are doing nothing how do you think that court will respond to I don't know or the Chief lying and saying I didn't know what was happening. I saved my emails to city council, mayors office, and SAPD and you won't win this one as you have thrown victims under the bus in the past and won.

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