It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Concepcion Gonzales

I talked to Concepcion Gonzales in Sept. 2014 and although there was not much she could do for me at the time she seemed to be very empathetic and had a profound willingness to help me she was only able to give me guidance which i appreciated. I at the time viewed her as a really great accent of SAPD and unfortunately my opinion is now changing.
Now that my case has turned into a terrible nightmare I am sure there is plenty that Ms. Gonzales could do for me. Starting in August before I went to Austin seeking help in my situation I began sending in documents and statements to Ms. Gonzales and then I walked myself into her office and dropped off a huge amount of documents. When I went to Ms. Gonzales' office there were several officers who knew exactly who I was and they did not exactly treat me in a diplomatic and or civil manner. So how did these officers know who I was and why were so much less than cordial? I have never talked to Ms. Gonzales she has not made any effort at all to talk to me, I told her in those documents that Officer Christopher Dech knows where I am and how to contact me and she could go through him with any help she planned on. I don't know but I don't think she ever contacted him and I sure have not received any resources or help.
I gave Ms. Gonzales details about Chuck Anderson and the fact that A. he is a minion working with the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and B. he shared with me that he has direct access with the Chief on Tuesdays and Thursdays and he told me when and where so I could confront him (I wouldn't do that it isn't gonna help anything he wants to keep me in this situation it will only cause myself frustration). Ms. Gonzales then took it to the Chief's assistant and the two of them made sure Chuck no longer had direct contact with the Chief again. What did she do for me? Nothing I think--don't know.
So when Ms. Gonzales took action I am pretty sure she was working on the behalf and well-being of the Chief and I think her job title is Victim Advocate however; actions speak louder than words and what I see is an Advocate for the Chief and throwing victims under the bus. I wonder where the mountain of documentation went that I gave her did she shred it?
When do I get an advocate fighting for my well-being and fighting to get me the justice I deserve the man who was trying to kill me is playing golf he has his pay check his auto his house and I have nothing I have been stripped to rock bottom and starvation. Did I commit a crime? So as you can plainly see it is the criminals that are rewarded here in San Antonio.
I know a young lady who was stabbed and the young woman who stabbed her now has a scholarship the victim has nothing--no counseling no medical coverage and no scholarship. Welcome to San Antonio good luck your going to need it.

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