It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, October 20, 2017

The Strong Hold on Officer Dech

Officer Dech and his supervisor have been ordered to never talk to any of the Senators, congressmen, and many other government officials that may call. Now when these officials call and they are told that he is unavailable, and then they are told this 3 or 4 times I assure you they will see the red flag.

The SAPD Chief's office knows that Officer Dech is allowed to talk to any of these members of Washington or any other figures of authority he will tell the truth. They don't know what it is like to have a moral compass of their own but they do recognize he has one.

That is always the mistake of the Castro Brothers walking around judging the world according to their own lack. Lack of: Common sense
                                        Empathy and compassion
                                        Intergerity and much more lacks that I not yet clear on.
I assure you when these members of the government and attorney's call and they are told that they can not speak with Officer Dech and they are then told that several times; those of them that do in fact own common sense and sound cognitive reasoning will concede that Officer Dech has information that the Chief's office does not want to be shared with anyone they will see clearly that what I have been through and all that is listed here is in fact true and they are in fact hiding the truth and covering crimes.

Now what Chief's Office? Once they are able to determine that it is true what will they then do? You should be worried because as I said before because you have no common sense or moral compass you assume the rest of the world is like you and that ASSUMPTION will lead you to your demise. All because you wanted to do favors for the Castro Brothers and who else knows?

TO: the castro brothers : now chief McManus was already out the door anyway and he has been there way too long being wishy washy leaving and coming back like a child it's really truly best he is done and the city will thank you for ruining his career.............BUT Mayor Ron has only been in his office for 4 months why would you do that? Are you going to pay his bills? How on earth are you going to pay his bills when the two of you are on your way to the unemployment line? Cash in the 401 K because you will be needing the cash. WHO IS WATCHING YOU OTHER THAN OUR LORD?

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