It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Anna Castro;
I have not seen my children or talked to them in three and half years. Please take a moment and look at your children, now try to imagine not seeing them grow for three and half years. A year and half ago your husband called me and told me he was going to help me, he was lying to me and he had no intention of helping me at all and in fact the only reason he was calling me was because I had contacted the Clinton administration announcing that your husband and his brother were helping a man who had beat on me and raped me for ten years, a man who had been removed from his family home because he was found to be abusive and CPS had every intention of prosecuting him. Your husband and brother in law helped to cover the proof of the abuse and they were helping him to keep my children from me. Try to imagine your children in the hands of a man like this...what would you do to save them how far would you go? As I struggle through this adversity things are coming to light that I did not previously understand for example the news channels and some magazines here in San Antonio wouldn't cover my story, some wouldn't even read it, and all of them were rude and nasty. I was so confused how the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign could have over the years gotten so much news coverage and interviews(I knew the lies they were telling in those interviews), and I couldn't get anyone to listen to me. Now it is in the light, that was the favors from you that made that all possible. It's clear there is a serious lack of empathy when comes to you and your husband how could you do this to three small children? Did you know that your husband's close personnel friend Officer Anthony Flores tried to take my life when I was finally going to get justice and be reunited with my children? Your husband and brother in law made sure he didn't get the repercussions for his actions and they then set out to destroy me. I lost my home, my job, my auto, all my possessions and I now have no where safe to go I have gone several weeks without food at a time. My ex-husband had the Castros convinced he could cause me a nervous break down and he lied and said I had mental and emotional problems; you and yours should be careful who you trust this man is a pathological liar and diagnosed with sociopath disorder. I assure you this is not a person to be trusting and why would the Castro brothers agree to devious plan to destroy a woman fighting for her children?
 When I go to the FBI to get help they start to help me and your husband calls them and tells them to stop the investigation and stop helping I am then left on the street being terrorized by officers and all members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign with no help to fend for myself.  I am sorry for you but I will make sure this nation knows what you and your husband has done to my family and the manner in which you helping a child abuser and rapist attack his victim and get revenge on her for letting the then secret of abuse out.
Now as we speak your husband continues calling law enforcement officers including the Texas Rangers and instructing them to harass me. I have been on more than 20 free consultations with attorney's and your husband would call them and tell them not to take my case and then lie to them saying I had some sort of mental illness and was taking large doses of meds. I have no conditions and I take no meds of any kind. These were the lies being told by the members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and these lies started by my ex-husband it would've best for everyone's careers to have asked for proof of the conditions I never had. It a court of law I will be presenting to the court several pieces of proof the condition your husband was saying I have continued to change from one thing to another according to the documents I possess I have 4 to 6 different conditions that's amassing I should have doctors published who study me.

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