It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, October 20, 2017

CPS removal and forcing way back in

My children and I headed back to Michigan in February of 2013, here in Texas things were falling apart for me and at the time I didn't know it but a lot of it was due to Gregory J Marshall attacking me behind the scenes. My daycare inspector was Page Lewis and some after leaving Texas I found out that Page had been in contact with Greg he was telling her lies as he does. He instructed her to put me through more inspections that were necessary and put me under fire. He was telling some of the same lies he has always stuck to she has many medical conditions and she has mental diagnosis and as always he kept changing what this fabricated diagnosis was. Page Lewis said some things that were off during our inspections and they were red flags that he was talking to her. 
Greg tried talking to daycare parents and most wouldn't listen to him but I did loose some clients because of what he was saying to them what ever they may have been.
Greg was then calling me and threatening to take the children out of school and I would never see them again and I would become fearful for my children and keep them home from school. Greg knew his threats would cause this reaction in me and then we would end up with too many absents from school and it would me look bad as a mother. The excess of absents did happen however he didn't count on the truancy officer on being a really good guy and working with me and helping me file the police reports against Greg. 
Ariel was skipping school and causing chaos and strife in the home it was creating fights between her and I; I was already going through an emotional gambit and I was wearing under the pressure. Later that year I learned Ariel had been instructed to do all this by her step-father. Her father was insisting to take her to Michigan and I was arguing with him that the family had to stay to together and then he(Huey) began to work on me to take the whole family to Michigan even though I didn't want to leave Texas. The CPS investigator and her supervisor were both telling me I should go because my family and friends were there and it would a solid support system for help with putting myself together and rebuilding. 
I was having a hard time with the teachers at school and receiving less than kind e-mails. I also had to contend with there absences and try to keep my daycare full to pay the bills. I figured out on my own that Greg was talking to all the teachers at school and was doing as he does and play acting that he missed his kids and needed to know how they were he successfully convinced two to feel sorry for him. If it were true Greg needed to know how his kids were and needed to know how they were doing then why did he refuse to go to any of the supervised visits CPS set up for him? And when the kids wanted to talk to their father I would hand them the phone I never denied them access to their father. Sometimes he wouldn't take the call and once Anikin was trying to talk to his father and his father was just too busy, he told Anikin he was going to call him back at 7pm and Anikin waited those 4 hours for that call and it never came it broke his little heart. 
The following day Greg told our CPS worker that he was I was deigning him access to the kids. I shared with the worker Aubrey what he had done to Anikin. When Aubrey confronted him she said it took a long while to get him to own it, and when she finally got him there he said "Well what is there to talk about to a three year old". Anikin was 4 years old at the time and Aubrey knew that. Greg was making all these calls and contacting all these people to make me fail and unfortunately it was working. The hardest to deal with was my daughter ripping apart the family from within. 
Greg sent one of the daycare dads over to the home to spy on me and he had a strange request of moving in to help me with the daycare until I can get back on my feet again. He was instructed to do this by Greg and he got the idea from his new friends at the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign. I guess if a man moved in the house I would look bad and of course I wasn't to entertain the idea. I guess we could call this the first minion in a long line of minions.
The CPS worker made me go buy a new vehicle of course she was right I needed to replace my beat up van but now I added two payments to an already failing income. The pressure continued to mound and I wasn't sleeping because with all Greg's threats I had to watch the house and keep it safe from him coming in in the middle of the night. 
All these various attacks on me and sending someone to the house to spy on me was unique behavior for him and I knew it was the organization he was working with that was suggesting he do all this. 
He had forced his way back in the home and it was defently the idea of San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign because he shared loudly that Tamer Morsi and Frank Castro Jr. said that CPS can't remove him. He went on and on that nothing that took place was right. The entire investigation was conducting without our awareness and they went to the schools and questioned our kids with out our knowledge. But isn't that exactly how it is done why is Frank Castro Jr. telling him it was done wrong? Greg was just angry because not only did our own children share he was mean and hitting but the daycare children were sharing too. He felt like he was being attacked and he was going to return fire, however it wasn't fire it was children being allowed to share with complete and told honesty with no fear of condemnation. 
Greg forced his way back in and I was instructed to call Police if he did so by CPS and I was going to follow their instruction to a tee. I was a bawling mess when Officers got there it was devastating for me because it took so many years to get him out I had been trying for two years. I know everyone sees that and says what's so hard about getting him don't understand the many different tactics I attempted to get him out and as always I was having trouble finding an attorney. So he was back in the house and I was dis-empowered, I told the Officers everything and I made sure to be truthful he hadn't hit me just yet and in fact he was being nice, fake nice.
After 4 or 5 days being home Aadyan came to me and said Mom look I don't have any bruises as he showed me his arms I think he really has changed this time. I couldn't break his heart and tell him he was faking it but I knew when he found out Dad was faking it, it would break his heart but that was just a hurt I had to let my precious son feel because I could not bad mouth his father even I knew full well there was an explosion of anger coming around the corner, we had been living this for ten years one marriage counselor after another trying to make it work. 
The following day Greg called police officers and told them I was hitting him. He were actually fighting because he somehow figured out that, that day I had gone to the family justice center and filed for a PPO order that is what I was instructed to do by CPS case workers and that was a Friday and I completed the process and had proof and documents sent to CPS and when they received those they shared they would be there Monday to remove him again. So he was angry with me because he knew I went to the court house and I was anxious to get my computers back that he had stolen from the house before they came to remove him for good. He kept asking what I had done today and he would follow me to each room of the house asking over and over again. There's no way I was going to tell him what I had been doing so when he would confront me I would go to another room. We went through the house like that I was making funnies about it, Ok gotta clean Ava's room, now Anikin, now Aadyan and so on....I ended up outside trying to get away. Yep you guessed it he followed me out there too. Ariel came outside to make sure he wasn't raising his hand as he had done so many times before. We use to have the best mother and daughter relationship anyone ever saw until it was destroyed by monsters. She and I were making jokes and dancing in an effort to distract Greg and get him annoyed enough to walk away. He was sticking to his guns so we got in the new van and Ariel cranked the radio(what neighbors), then she started to sing loudly to the music on the radio she is one funny kid. Greg still wouldn't go away and he was determined to win he got in the back of the van and he was calling 911, of course this upset me because what lies was he going to tell and you can't run a daycare when cops are visiting your house weekly. I attempted to gain control well now that you have the cops coming they are going to take you away so give me the computers before you go. Oh I am keeping those with a big smile on his face. So I went marching to his truck that was really mine, and I started taking his things out and piling them in the driveway looking for the computers. He started chasing me down angry i ran to steves yard and he followed then I ran to ricks' yard and he went back to the house. So I slowly got back to the house before he locked me out which he had done before. Officers showed up and that is listed on another blog post.

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