It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Oct. 17th and 18th

On October 17th I headed down McCullough ave north bound. I was heading to the HEB there was a Olmos Park police officer he had circled me three times before I reached Olmos st and started heading down the street towards the HEB. He came around to head me off and pass me on Olmos st. His passenger side window was down and he had his spot light ready. I had a trying day and decided I wasn't going to take it anymore when he came close to me to harass me I yelled at him HARASSMENT and then I kept walking; he decided not to talk to me at that point. When I got to HEB it had already closed, it was after 2400. So I then headed to the Valero at the corner of San Pedro and Olmos st and they were closed due to shift change. An SAPD Officer showed up and was let in before everyone else, guess they thought he wouldn't steal the money they were counting. When the rest of us were let in he was still there leaning on the counter using his phone. Most likely it was coincidence we were there at the same time and he stayed for a while.
When I walked back through Olmos Park luckily the Officer in question was busy checking a store front for damage. He spotted me and shared information with the other officer there about me but I couldn't hear it.
On October 18th at 2330 I headed down McCullough ave repeating the previous evening. When I reached Hildebrand I could see an officer up ahead circling and he appeared to be waiting for someone of now I know he was waiting for me and he had been informed I was heading in that direction. When i reached the Lego store the officer passed by went a couple of blocks turned around and passed by in the opposite direction. I keep walking fully aware of what was happening because I have been doing this for years. I passed subway and went through the back parking lot of 100 west olmos to head down olmos st to HEB. The officer passed by using the street adjacent to subway and then he went around the block and headed down olmos st and pulled into the drive way of the parking lot I was walking through he was coming head on. He passed through and I collected his plate #1190020 there was no vehicle # that I could see like a SAPD Cruzer. He turned left, then left on McCullough and used the circle to come back down Olmos again and passed me once more when I was headed to HEB. I saw him pull into boyseville parking lot and sit. I went to HEB purchased a pop and headed back the same way I walked into olmos park. I was passed by the same officer he used the circle and then went down a block and circled around and parked next to the shell station on El Parado to watch me. I collected the address of the building that I had been in the back parking lot of and walked down McCullough north bound. At this time it is 2410; when I was two blocks down from the shell station the Officer pulled through the shell parking lot so he was sitting adjacent to McCullough facing north bound so he could watch me walk, at this point I was at 4343 McCullough I then turned to wave the officer down the street indicating I understood I knew what he was doing. Officer then pulls onto McCullough and passes me he drives up McCullough about 6 blocks and turns left and shortly after that he is heading back down McCullough heading south bound towards me. I knew the next step of the game so I ran through the parking lot to Dora street and there was two pick ups parked there and I hide behind them. The officer turned down Dora looking for me and I popped up and strolled back to McCullough and kept walking great cat mouse game this young man abuses his job with. So I am walking down McCullough and I sat at a bus stop at 2417 at 4501 McCullough and the Officer pasted by. I walked to the next bus stop across the street now at 4611 McCullough and the officer passed me shinning his spot light in my face. He passed and shortly there after he came back again with a second officer in tow. It's now 2425 and the harassing officer turned himself around and pulled in facing the bus stop. The second officer was across the street and I didn't see him get out maybe since I had a Officer in my face. He asked what I was doing and asked if I was lost. He then shared that down the street he saw me writing in a note book, then he asked if I was reading a map. Do you write in a note book and read a map at same time? Anyway I told him I was heading down McCullough north bound I had a destination in mind I certainly wasn't going to share. I was in fear at this point because the Officer went and got a second Officer before confronting me, first I had a officer trying to take my life and yes I may a little skittish about officers and two I know full well  if I get taken in I may never see the light of day again because SAPD wants to cover up the embarrassment. So while I was feeling fearful I did not get his badge number but he shared with me that his name is Corporal Flemming or something close to that. I then asked if he was the same officer that was following me the previous evening he confirmed he was working and he immediately said "But I didn't say anything to you did I"? I firmly believe that he was going to why else would he roll down the passenger side window on a cold night? The only reason he said nothing to me was because I yelled harassment. Please note that he was not rude he was actually nice or at least in the end of the conversation which confused me about his intentions with an hour of circling me and following me. He then left reconfirming he was just checking to see if I was alright. They were then both gone and I crossed the street and sat at bus stop 79157 the second officer then passed me at 2448 heading south bound plate # 1288184 and then he turned around coming back by heading north bound he stopped rolled down his window and asked if I was alright and if I needed anything. These Officers were polite and cordial which confused me as to what the objective was of all the circling and following.
I stayed at 302 mellrose street two weeks ago and when I left that location at ten at night and headed to the HEB I was followed by an Officer from 302 to the HEB and on the way back from HEB I saw the same officer I am not 100 percent but I believe that was Corporal Flemming too.

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