It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, October 20, 2017

Michigan 2013 First Minion

Jerry Alexander was first minion it all started in Michigan. When my children and I went to Michigan we stayed with my parents but we had a time limit. My Father told his doctor that he moved his daughter and kids back to Michigan and the doctor said "how many kids?" My Dad said 12; WHAT? OK it's only four but it feels like 12. LOL so we had a time limit to get it together.
There was three homes that I almost closed the deal on and Greg got involved and he said he would help me close the deal on these homes. The deal dropped through on all three. I found out later that Greg had talked to these landlords and each person he told them that I abuse substances and I won't pay my bills and I don't know it is likely that he told them I had a mental diagnosis considering how often he uses that lie. He told me that if I went into a homeless shelter I could use my veterans status to get housing in about 4 days. He lied and he was setting me up for failure he wanted me to look like a bad mom and unstable so he instructed the kids and I to go to the shelter. We did not get housing and it was not a positive experience the kids liked playing with the other kids and it was better for them because Mom and Dad's farm house is way out surrounded by fields and not any other kids in sight. We went back to grandpa and grandma's and shortly there after we finally found a house and this time he didn't ruin my chances to get it.
We moved in August 2013 and I had two roommates move in to make it more affordable. Bill and Jerry later we find out Jerry was a minion the whole time and being paid by Greg. It was my ten year old Aadyan that informed me that he over heard a conversation between his Dad and Jerry and he could hear his dad saying well help me get my kids from her we are going to convince everyone she is crazy. My poor ten year old was heart broken he really liked Jerry.
Jerry received a block of instruction what to do to the kids and I to help him gain custody.
I was going through other issues as well and didn't know where they were stemming from my parents kept telling me it was Ariel it was.
Jerry was creating problems he was sometimes mean and at one point he was spiking my coffee with narcotics I could taste the coffee he made was bitter and I would toss it and when making a new pot I could see the white of broken pills and soon after I found out that Karrie Robertson(ariel's step mom), Greg and one other person had been calling my doctor and telling them I was abusing meds and it was Jerry's job to get those meds in my system. I could taste when he was messing with my coffee and I would throw it away so when I finally went in for a drug test because she insisted and I didn't even know why she would insist on such a thing, the test was clean and Jerry had failed at his mission to get those drugs in my system.
Then the moment we moved in this house I was getting ready to reopen my daycare took my Michigan classes and got the home inspected and I was ready. I had more important inspection to go through and it got pose poned a couple of times thank god. You see when you have a daycare you can not have a gun anywhere in the house. If the state does an inspection and finds a gun your daycare is shut down and you never have another again as long as you live. Greg knew all these things about daycare's because he was helping me run mine. So he and Huey were talking on the phone and apparently they were hashing out this plan to attack me. Huey had a handgun, it was is pride possession he showed everyone that walked in his house. The rub was it was stolen and not registered this was not an uncommon place for huey he had been in trouble before for purchasing stolen goods. Huey gave the weapon to Jerry and Jerry sneaked it into the house. I didn't know it was there for a couple of weeks he put it in Bills closest and lied to me and said it belonged to Bill when I finally talked to Bill about it he said that it defiantly not his because he was going through a divorce and gave all his weapons to his attorney that is standard for Michigan? So I finally realized that was Huey's weapon and I knew that it was there to ruin our chases of developing an income and I would have been brought up on felony charges because it was stolen and unregistered and Jerry had every intention of telling anyone that listen that it was mine. Huey then told Jerry to get it out of the house because with Aadyan's help I was figuring out what was being done. Can you believe this man would do this to his children? He was ruining our income food house clothing ect... He wanted vengeance and he didn't want to pay child support, he told me he would flip burgers before he would pay child support. He made the non-payment of child support happen didn't he.
I informed Jerry's parole board he had a weapon and it was a hand gun in his possession and he is not to ever have a weapon in his life. That was another thing that was kept a secret from me that Jerry had a criminal record I researched Jerry heavily after Aadyan told me what he heard I even talked to his sister. Apparently he is a pathological liar even worse than my ex-husband. The swat team was coming to get him and I did my best not to lead off about it. Jerry sat me down and was actually being civial and that was a sign that the crazy way he was acting after the last month wasn't really who he was it was apart of the plan and the instruction he received. So during this talk he told me that Greg and Huey had this big plan to attack me and make me look like a bad person. He told me that Greg was getting ideas and other kind of help from those people he was working with in Texas.
Jerry left before swat got there he probably had a gut feeling about what was happening. But before he secretly left he had apologized for his part in the attack on me and he shared most of it but I still had gaps in the facts and wasn't completely sure of what they had planned next. I was told that Huey had decided to help Greg attack me because his girlfriend at the time didn't like me and she wanted me to go back to Texas and at that point in time I wanted to go back to Texas too there was no work in Michigan and even if I tried they would find out I was applying and do what they could to make sure I didn't get the job. My daycare didn't get going because once I saw that gun I stopped. Of course Greg and the members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign really wanted me thrown in jail or prison they kept trying after this too.
So SWAT showed up and I told them he took off but they searched the house to make sure they really did a good job looking in every nook and cranny. There was a lot of them too, the next day I was visited by two members of the parole board we sat down went through every detail of all the happenings the meds in the coffee and he was messing up Bills' prescription meds too, it's my guess he couldn't get Bill to go along with Greg's plan to attack me so he was going to make Bill sick so he had to go stay in the hospital again. When I saw that Bill was acting funny and had unushual signs and symptoms that he did not normally display I sat down with him and looked through his meds and found the evidence that they had been tampered with. I don't know if Jerry was instructed by Greg to do this but he certainly did it.
It took two months to find Jerry but they sure did. Bill and I testified against him and he went to Jackson Prison for 6 six years for the weapon don't know what the charge was for the meds didn't keep up with it I was on my way back to Texas at that time.

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