It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Junior wanted criminal minion

in the picture you will see a man named Junior. he is homeless on the Streets of San Antonio because he is a wanted man he jumped bail he was out on parole from prison and decided to run instead of reporting to probation and following through. this man was sent to attach himself to me another sexual predator dirty FBI agents and police officers told him that he wouldn't have to go back to prison as long as he attached himself to me. he was supposed to stay with me 24/7 never leaving my side making sure that I wasn't taking pictures and telling stories exactly how I am right now. he took some of my things took my bags and I continuously tried to get away from Junior. he developed these strange gaslighting stories that didn't make much sense and he was always in the company of international spies domestic and foreign agents. in 2020 Junior was still on the Streets of San Antonio telling me that the FBI must be stupid because he's a wanted man and he still hasn't been arrested and doesn't have to go back to prison because he is their pet and as long as he is committing the crimes that they're telling him to commit he doesn't ever have to be held accountable for the crimes that he is committed he doesn't have to go back to prison. he said that he is a close personal friend of Joaquin Castro he has a brother and a nephew who he was living with for a short time. this brother and nephew are defrauding the system living off the system receiving assistance food assistance rent assistance they refuse to get a job and their disability is nothing more than morbid obesity

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