It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, January 24, 2022


well I was in the city of Cherokee everybody was very nervous I drove through a government site there where there were government employees. they shut down all the roads claiming nobody was allowed to enter and nobody was allowed to visit any of those homes. I was being chased by a ranger and a government employee in white pickup trucks. they were really hyper about making sure nobody got my information and nobody found out the truth about my situation this is of course not the first time this is commonplace that they shut down sites that I enter just like Governor Abbott locking up his office every time I go to Austin Texas. when I reached the city of Cherokee I went to their City Hall office I had to sit in the parking lot and fill out the rest of my packet to make sure they got all the information necessary for them a man in a silver pickup truck showed up with his entire family. his mission and his job was to make sure that he got that packet before anybody at City Hall saw it. I made sure he got a copy of the packet so he understands what his mission was who he's attacking. he better read it closely and understand what it is he got involved in. he failed at his mission City Hall got that information. go ahead and go into City Hall and try to get it there's cameras there's witnesses there are people watching you investigating you better slow down. when I went through the city of Cherokee I stopped at a roadway inn use their bathroom asked for a price for the hotel it was the cheapest price I have ever received since I started my journey. apparently somebody's nipping all of this overpricing in the bud because you're creating lawsuits for every single business incorporation that I visit. and you better slow down too. aas I drove through the city of Cherokee ready to leave because everybody was nervous about what might happen simply because I was there there was a police officer chasing me down rubbernecking looking for me she looked as if she was ready to attack. apparently they called her to have her pull me over or to make sure that my information wasn't given to any of the Indians. she also failed at her mission but I will never forget the horrible way in which she was conducting herself. I don't know who it is that told this police officer that I'm a dangerous criminal and that I need to be attacked and chased down and harassed but it was a biggest mistake of her life to listen to them.

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