It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, January 21, 2022

Case number SAPD 21100169

case# SAPD 21100169 May 28th at 19:00 hours all officers involved in this incident are officers involved in the conspiracy to attack me in one capacity or another. I know Andrea m a n z a n e d e o badge number 3106 she was a supervisor who signed the incident report failing to find very serious mistakes in crimes committed by the officers officer wise and officer m. p a r e d e z badge number 11 27 Ashley shared her story I recognized her and the officers in her case p a r e d e z was responding officer but it is written that Flores was first on the scene these inconsistencies will cause problems in a court of law Ashley said she fled the scene she was panicked when leaving she could see the victim was on the ground and two family members were helping him to a standing position no officers were there yet she heard sirens so she ran from the scene. she stopped to see he had a he was already standing when officers arrived and the report states that he was pinned between two autos Flores wrote that that's what it says florist didn't really write it. according to the way that this police report was written when I was reading it I could see that officer Flores wasn't really nervous about being involved. officer Flores was very careful about the way that he wrote it because he witnessed the assault of Ashley but he did not participate. I could see that officer Flores was between a rock and a hard place and I feel it's pain. according to the way that the report was written marcelli Paradez #1127 was the first and primary officer on the scene she then called officer Flores and officer Sanchez officer Sanchez assisted the victim and he followed the ambulance to the Metro hospital. he listed injuries failing to mention an arm injury bleeding which brings into question those that are listed as injuries. Ashley's being charged with failing to render aid I don't think she should be charged with failing to render aid when she clearly could see that he already had a. I'm not saying Ashley is innocent of these crimes I'm just saying that the charges aren't correct. Ashley was under the influence of heroin she said that she had a relapse because she had just gone in front of a judge for a CPS case that she had and they weren't ready to give her children back to her yet because she hadn't been off in the influence of drugs long enough to prove that she wasn't going to have a relapse and obviously she wasn't ready to have the children back yet because she had to relapse. Ashley said that she went and purchased the drugs and then she was driving her pickup truck to go home to her husband. she said that she panicked because when she was driving down the street the wheel jerked and she ended up hitting a parked vehicle that parked vehicle then hit the vehicle in front of it and there was a man loading bricks on his pickup truck which caused these vehicles to hit him. it seems oddly coincidental these are minions they've been involved in this conspiracy immediately when I saw the story it felt like they were minions that were being loose ends that were being tied up I've seen this happen a hundred times. Ashley ran away from the scene of the crime and she was hiding under a bridge. officer wise badge number 0885 found her and then he pursued her she was running away from him the entire time when he caught up to her he was angry and she turned to run away from him again and he pushed her when he pushed her she fell and broke her ankle. now all of us understand that these officers sometimes are going to have to use blunt force. and of course accidents are going to happen but I think that it's best for them to own these accidents instead of trying to lie about them and cover it up. when officer of Flores wrote his statement for the police report he said that they could visibly see the suspect was injured. no one ever stated in the police report where the injury had come from but they were trying to write it in such a way that made it look like she was injured during the accident and that simply isn't the case how is she going to run away from the officers with a broken ankle. there was

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