It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Veterans disability pay

I have been living off of, veterans disability pay I was granted veterans disability pay in December of 2020 so I have been receiving my veterans disability for exactly 12 months. I had somebody telling me that they were going to stop the veterans disability pay it was somebody high up in government and they all declared that I didn't deserve it or earn it. I have just been informed that Greg Marshall has been telling police officers and agents all across the country that I'm not really a veteran at all and I never really served in the military and I didn't have a military career. I don't know if he really did that but those people that I served with have come to visit they have talked to me on social media all of the agents that put this together they found all those people I served in the military with and I talked to them often if he lied to all of you and said that I was in a veteran what about all of my comrades and arms that are here with me now on my social media taking this trip with me to Washington DC whether it be virtual or a verbal conversation they come along with me. I was told that Greg Marshall had a plan for his special politician friend they were going to shut down my veterans disability pay to make me broke again and put me back on the Streets of San Antonio once again their excuse for the doing this would be that I lied about being a veteran and I defrauded the government by receiving veterans disability pay. I didn't defraud the government and I volunteered to go into the US army when I was 17 years old I made the decision to become a soldier when I was just 15 after hearing stories of my father's time and service and don't we all want to make our parents proud I didn't know that he would say that's no place for a woman. I didn't know what happened to female soldiers when they served in the military I had no idea what would happening in our military I didn't know why my father was mad at me for going because he knew what would happen to me but let's all look at it as training I had really good training and I nearly died but I'm still alive from now we get to do this divine intervention. so I am being told that my veterans disability pay was actually shut down and the money that's in my bank account came from another source. I have no way of confirming the information that I've been given even if I were to try to contact the veterans administration I would get an employee on the phone that was lying to me or the computer would change right in front of the employee's face indicating that it was still there. but Greg Marshall has announced that that was one of the charges they were going to put on me that I was defrauding the government that could be a source of the warrant for my arrest at this current time. because when I laid in jail for 5 months I continuously repeated and saw evidence that Bear county is defrauding the government. they have inmates that are unlawfully being incarcerated they are being held in the jail because they're getting $1,200 a day for each inmate they're defrauding the government and they need to pay it back to the taxpayers. because I continuously talked about defrauding the government over and over again apparently Greg Marshall and his dirty politician friends decided they could charge me with it I don't see how that can even apply I don't see how that would hold up in a court of law if I went and applied for disability and I was granted the disability how am I defrauding the government? if I'm not eligible for the disability and I don't actually qualify I'm not the one that filled out the papers and granted the disability not the one that does that that's not my job I'm just the veteran applying for disability. I was told to go to Ace checking to get a bank account when I got my disability after a couple of months of receiving my disability I wanted to transfer it to another bank but I knew that I could not call my bank or the veterans administration and have the pay transferred because the moment I called using my phone they would have all of my information and they would genuinely stop the disability from coming in. Greg Marshall has used my phone to get my banking information he even got my CPS energy bill account number and he typed it into his phone all of the agents and officers that are working with him became very irate that he would do something so stupid. so because I never contacted the VA and I never contacted my bank because I was trying to make sure Greg Marshall didn't have my banking information or any of my information about my veterans administration disability I don't know if the disability was actually shut down or not I invite all of you with the ability and the authority to see whether or not my veterans disability is still active to please do so at this time thank you.

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