It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Bear county jail
my name is Dawn neering Marshall SID number 1105256 I file complaints against several sapd officers I took videos and pictures while I was at internal affairs sapd. I had been making frequent visits to Governor Abbott's office in Austin Texas I took videos and pictures of those visits every time I arrived in Austin Texas those employees of Governor Abbott were notified and told to lock the door. on June 8th I was able to access the office because somebody left the door unlocked. his employees were very upset that I gained access they were extremely rude they acted as if I was dangerous I gave them my information and told them that my life was in danger and I was in fear for my life and I needed the help of Governor Abbott because of sapd police officers nothing was done.
approximately 2 weeks after this event officer Herrera at the Prue road substation took steps to lie to an attorney and a judge claiming that I was guilty of online impersonation and there was a warrant for my arrest nobody contacted me I was not served to be in a court of law so that I could defend myself against false charges. there was a picture of him on my Facebook page and that is not online impersonation there are pictures of 45 different police officers on that Facebook page. every one of those police officers have committed crimes against me on November 4th 2016 I visited FBI headquarters talked to an agent and he told me that I had to take pictures and videos of every police officer that was committing crimes against me. at that time and investigation was started and it was headed by James Comey. James call me was fired and I was on my own so everybody thought the investigation continued and these dirty police officers are completely unaware of the sting they are involved in.
July 21st officer Christopher deck 456 of sapd decided that he would get away with charging me with harassment. it is completely hilarious that this police officer thought that he would get away with this considering he has been accessing my own technologies for nearly a decade. I know this police officer because he answered a domestic violence call to my home in Stone oak January 6th 2013 my ex-husband was abusing the system once again called to try to get a police report claiming I had been hitting him when no such thing was happening. my children were abducted taken from Michigan back to Texas and when I arrived to fight for my children in a court of law I contacted officer Christopher deck and I was foolish enough to think this man was one of the only officers that was helping me. come to find out this is the officer that has been attacking me collecting criminals and other police officers for gang stalking working with the NSA and announcing and claiming that he is an NSA agent. in June I called Minnesota NSA headquarters to report officer Christopher deck for all of his crimes that he was committing against me and others. it looks as though that warrant for my arrest and those faults charges appeared shortly after I made the phone call to NSA Minnesota.
on August 6th 2021 somebody came to my door and they were beating on it so hard I thought they were going to break it of course as you can imagine I wasn't going to answer the door with somebody so aggressive and combative outside the door Lord only knows what would have happened to my face had I answered the door. that individual then it's went stomping upstairs to the apartment above mine and they were beating on that door that apartment above mine as hard as they had been beating on mine the very large obese Latino boy answer the door and allowed that aggressive individual in the apartment. that individual who I believe to be officer Christopher deck was then pacing back and forth on the floor up in the upstairs apartment yelling and screaming about something that was happening that he was not happy about. he continued to stomp on the floor above my head it was upsetting I called 911 I told them what was happening I told them I was in fear for my life and I needed an officer somebody was trespassing in my apartment building they were combative aggressive and I was in fear for my life. I told the dispatcher that I would not be talking to the police officer that responded because I knew that I had warrants out for my arrest even though I had committed no crime. that individual that was upstairs came back to my door again was beating on it once again so hard I thought he had broken the door combative and aggressive daft enough to think that I might actually answer the door when somebody was beating on it so hard especially in my situation with my post-traumatic stress and the fact that my life was in danger because of sapd officers and now my life was in danger because of NSA Minnesota. he left the apartment building after getting away with criminal trespassing getting away with threatening me which should be considered a terroristic threat. a police officer responded knocked on the door apparently didn't find anything array and left whether or not this was documented I don't know but I do know that sapd has a bad habit I've never reading police reports when they should never writing police reports when I asked them to write police reports like officer Herrera who lied and said I was guilty of online impersonation.
on August 8th I was told that I had to do my usual for this investigation and I needed to go to estate sales and rummage sales I was collecting charge and I was also collecting information it's hard to explain. I had someone yelling at me that I needed to go immediately and she was saying it's noon already you have to go. when I went down to the parking garage to get in my truck and leave I could see that the apartment manager's car was still in the parking garage and that she had been in the apartment above mine all night long I was taking pictures of her automobile and unfortunately had I not stopped to do that those two behavioral health officers that were trespassing on my apartment building property may not have been able to put their hands on me. when I looked up to the parking garage I could see that two men were driving a little compact car and they were in the building using the elevator they came running out and got in their vehicle and backed it up in the parking garage in an aggressive reckless speed. the door was open to the secure apartment building they were able to enter without using a key fob without using any sort of code or making any phone calls. my apartment manager Paula Carol has a bad habit of leaving this building unsecure violating the lease agreement. she was the one screaming it's noon already you have to go I've had nothing but problems with this woman before I ever even rented an apartment at the museum reached loft apartments. I didn't think anything of the two combative strange men that were hyper backing that vehicle up through the parking garage I got in my vehicle the door was still open and my purse and my bag was on my shoulder when ram Martinez came up from behind me grabbing on to my bags throwing them to the cement and grabbing on to my arm and holding it a man who I did not know wearing street clothes opened the passenger side door and got in my vehicle. that man grabbed onto my hand that had my keys in it wrapped my hand around the keys so hard he ripped the skin and he broke the keys he wouldn't let go after struggling with him for five or more minutes he decided to announce he was asapd too late you assaulted me your trespassing and you did not identify yourself as a police officer. ram Martinez was them pulling me from the vehicle and his partner who was breaking my keys and breaking my hand told him to stop pulling on me because he had a hold of me thank you for announcing the assault and you're insane behavior you will be going to prison for the rest of your lives. they finally were able to get the keys out of my hand and ran Martinez pulled me out of the vehicle I had no idea who ran Martinez was he was behind me I couldn't even see him and I was so upset at that time and so frightened I wouldn't have recognized him. I have been having problems with ram Martinez since June 13th 2017 I have filed three internal affairs complaints against him and he should not have been anywhere near me at no time did he identify himself as sapd officer. they told me they were coming to my apartment because they needed to talk to me that doesn't make any sense you're going to continue to harass me and continue to haunt me like an animal after I file internal affair complaints against you after you have violated and strip me of all of my rights. ram Martinez has no sense he put me after handcuffing me into a small compact car in the back it was unmarked car and there was cockroaches all over the back seat that were crawling on me. I looked at him and said what is your name who are you it was ram Martinez. I immediately informed him he was trespassing on private property. he pointed to an open door of the parking garage just because the door is open doesn't mean you have the right to trespass you're a police officer that doesn't know the law. he was frazzled it was clear that his blood pressure was elevated his heart rate was elevated he was nervous maybe even excited acting as if he was scared and he should be because as I said before he's going to prison for the rest of his life. I looked at his partner and I am explained to him that he would be losing his job I hope for assault charges. ram Martinez then started to use the excuse that the apartment manager gave him permission to enter the property but he didn't know her name. the apartment manager does not have the permission to give out our personal information Rand Martinez just announced that the apartment manager was giving out the personal information of the tenants which is not only a violation of the lease agreement but it's also against the law she doesn't have the right to give any personal information about any tenant in the apartment building and she continues to do that. she had announced before I even took possession of my unit that she knew it was against the law and it was an investigator that told me that she was doing it I already knew she was doing it when I confronted her and asked her to stop doing it I asked her to stop sharing my personal information with officer Christopher deck my ex-husband Gregory Marshall and Joaquin Castro. Paula Carol has been nothing but a thorn in my side a criminal and a complete sociopath while I was resident at this apartment complex that is owned by a nonprofit organization Alamo community group. so ram Martinez was announcing loudly and boldly that he was also colluding with apartment manager Paula Carroll he knew that he was wrong and he knew he was trespassing. I asked what I was being arrested for and as usual for ram Martinez he refused to answer me with the charges were. they had claimed that they were coming to talk to me because someone said that they were concerned about my behavior or some such lie like that which would have been Paula Carol. when you're coming to talk to somebody you don't arrest them these are behavioral health officers they don't do a warrant Roundup and that's called a pocket warrant they get a warrant they stick in their pocket and they go searching for the person and say oh look I have a warrant it's not legal. in San Antonio Texas that's what they do constantly they have many targets and because I was put in jail for 5 months and I lost everything I now have a long list of those victims smooth move ex-lax.
REM Martinez announced that he had to call for transport and officer Zimmerman showed up with her partner. they too were trespassing on private property and didn't seem to care about the law. they searched my person as they always do while I was in handcuffs ran Martinez had my purse in my bag my phone's had hit the cement didn't know if they were broken and we all know those are evidence in a major investigation it's also something I consider to be my lifeline even though those phones were being controlled by agents and officers. I had $680 cash in the purse and I knew they were taking me to jail. obviously I was going to need the cash and the credit cards for my books while I was in jail. I told officers Zimmerman she needed to take my purse and my bag and she went through my person bag and went through my wallet taking out my military ID my driver's license and my set of keys. she told me that was all she was going to give me because she didn't know what the jail would allow me to have. that was a really stupid excuse if you don't know what the jail allow somebody to have then you don't know how to do your job. so I had no money and nothing for my books and I couldn't find myself out I had nobody in the outside world to help me. these officers do this to many people sending them to jail without their prescription glasses without their prescription medication without their cash their debit cards or credit cards. it's another way to make their targets suffer but what they are actually doing is hurting the city of San Antonio and hurting the bexar county jail system they are hurting the revenue stream of the jail. I was in that jail for 5 months and I would have spent more than $1,000. I spent no money because I had no way to access my money and they are hurting the revenue of the jail. you would think that Javier's houses are would have been able to see that this was an issue that sapd was creating.
when we got to the jail they forced me to take off my rings the rings are an issue the rings used to protect me. they are religious rings that have the serenity prayer. so of course it was upsetting for me when I did get into the jail I saw that so many other women were allowed to keep their rings and wear them the entire time that they were in jail so it was even more upsetting that ran Martinez is that daft and sick.
when I got into booking I was supposed to go in front of the Magistrate. while I sat on a bench waiting to talk to the magistrate a young man named Dan came out to explain to people what would be happening when we were standing in front of the magistrate Dan I recognize because I used to work with him at Superior health insurance. now he has a job at the jail and that's what happens with their little pets their minions that do them favors they get special treatment and special jobs. I raised my hand to ask a question because Dan had just got done telling everybody that while they were standing in front of the magistrate they were not allowed to speak they were not allowed to defend themselves they were not allowed to ask details about their case they were not allowed to address the magistrate in any way shape or form. I've talked to this magistrate before and it is a dirty criminal who helps the dirty City officials of San Antonio to attack an innocent mother fighting for her children fighting to keep herself alive I am well aware of the criminal element the Magistrate. I talked to a female magistrate once who look directly at me and said and good luck to you she knew all about me my real story and my fight against all of the dirty City officials of San Antonio. unfortunately I was going in front of the criminal Magistrate. when I raise my hand ask a question there was a deputy an officer whose name I don't remember he ran up on me grabbed me twisted my arm behind me was pushing me down the hallway and said we'll have none of that he was pushing me all the way to a solitary cell he was swearing the entire time threatening to beat the crap out of me he was stepping on the shackles that were on my ankles causing me to trip and fall announcing see you can't even walk anyway that's a good excuse for me to assault you ripping the skin on your arm and throwing you into a solitary cell so that you can then never go in front of a magistrate. before he had grabbed me I was experiencing odd physical signs and symptoms it was heat that resonated from my feet and started to move up my body until that officer a criminal of violent criminal grabbed me I never went in front of a magistrate didn't even know why I was there had no idea what was going on didn't know what false charges what lies of a crime they claimed I committed.
I went to sell a unit called AB apparently they were putting people in quarantine that were entering the jail because of covid I received a covid test while I was there and there was an officer Johnson who was threatening to beat the s*** out of me because I went to the desk and asked about the letter that she received with my name on it. she wrote reject on it and sent it back to the mail room refuse to give it to me. I was in a small cell with another woman that woman was Ciara I knew her I had stayed at the prior house with her. she is one of the many minions the jail was full of minions all of those people that were involved in this conspiracy to help attack and innocent mother fighting for her children fighting for her life. Sierra seemed to know exactly what was going on she was given a deal if she turned herself in because of an outstanding warrant that she had she would only have to serve a short amount of time. every time we were pressing the button and we needed things like toilet paper and personal hygiene supplies they refused to answer us. Sierra had made the strange statement it's me you can answer me I need pads for my menstrual cycle you can get those for me in other words they weren't going to help me they weren't going to answer any of my calls I wasn't going to get any personal hygiene items and I wasn't going to be able to talk to anybody and she knew it.
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